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& Scaredy Cat
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it's party time

Though not everyone lives in the US, those who do know that Super Bowl Sunday is coming up, and that means....FOOTBALL!!! Now, the term football means different sports in different countries, but that's okay. We all here at PnF know that a sport is a sport, and a party is for FUN!! So it's time to throw a party! No, it doesn't have to be Super Bowl related, but it can if you want it to be. Scaredy Cat is willing to brave all the pets that might be at this party because his best friend Kaida will be there to protect him with her fire (though she's so fun loving she'd never really hurt anyone).

This week, your art challenge is to show your pet in a party atmosphere. Are they camping by a fire? Throwing a loud dance party somewhere? Or are they watching that famous football game? It doesn't matter how they are having a party, as long as your art shows that they are. After that, the only other rule is that your art must contain the following items:
any of the cameras (decorations section)
any food item or drink of your choice (because really, there can NOT be a party without food and drink!!!)
Have fun and enjoy!!

For your participation, you will receive a mystery prize and what you receive will be based on the number of votes you get!!
The winning artist will receive a bonus mystery prize AND there will be a member chosen at random to also win their very own mystery prize!!

here's the basics:
you must submit your art to the pnf art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* put "it's party time" in the title or description
* the entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* to vote, click the "like" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* voting will be open immediately
* this challenge will be open from now until around midnight GMT February 2nd (Monday night in the USA).
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