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Jolie Mae Lovett
& Catatonia °
Visit this user's page in Pets 'n' Friends!

☆ Struggling with Depression and Anxiety. ♡ Please feed my pet! I'm spinning like crazy! ☆

We reached our goal of 1 size 10 of each Jolie's Tears Gems! Melissa helped get us there just in time and we're over the moon! Special thanks to Claire, Carol, Jeanetta, Sue C, Sue B, Patricia, Diane, Deedee, Joy, Jann, Ailsa, Jamie, Kerry, Jenni, Brenda, Mette, Yasmeen, Jen, Colleen, Jenny, Kathy, Dorte, Vicki, DaLinda, Christine, and Nukhet. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Your kindness is not unnoticed and I appreciate you all very much. Thanks bunches and bunches! We'll still happily take any unwanted extras, thank you.
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