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 3055 finds.
Whispers Unicorn

Beyond the rainbow's end lies a cavern where the water flows all shades of the rainbow. Legend says if you listen carefully you can hear the ethereal neighs of a mystical creature not often seen - the Whispers Unicorn. This creature trots lightly, making barely a sound as it traverses the depths of the waterfall-filled caverns, preferring to remain behind the shadows of the mist.

Silently breach the caverns during a full moon and you may witness a spectral scene - a graceful dance, where the water remains undisturbed by the trots of hooves. Listen closely, as their slender movements create their own music carried on the wind of the cavern. Approach too quickly, make a sound, and these unicorns will scatter into the mist. No matter how hard you search, they won't reveal themselves again until the air is still enough to hear their whispers.

108282 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2020-10-01 20:18:52

Donor reward
Released 1st Oct 2019
Until 31st Oct
Limited edition
buy for 2200

Gold sales
450 GM on 21 Dec 2022 21:19500 GM on 6 Dec 2022 05:52700 GM on 9 Mar 2022 20:12

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Blue Whale (Diving)

Mmmm, good morning! (yawns) So nice to see you here in my big blue ocean! Please, enjoy the vast waters I call home. Someone of my size needs quite a bit of room to travel in, I’m the largest animal living on this big blue orb! I love to sing and play, my splashes can be seen for miles around in the ocean. People see me and sometimes think I must eat big things, but the truth is I love to spend my days swimming and sucking up the tiny plankton floating on the ocean waves. One of my favorite pastimes is to swim down deep in the ocean, holding my breath and visiting other deep ocean dwellers. It’s going to be a great day, so come splash along with me!

108285 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2021-09-06 22:52:16

Donor reward
Released 1st Nov 2019
Until 30th Nov
Limited edition
buy for 2000

Gold sales
400 GM on 5 Dec 2022 05:16444 GM on 14 May 2022 07:12890 GM on 17 Jan 2020 20:34

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Cute Pink Griffin

When you think of a Griffin you may think of a mythical beast that is quite terrifying and guards treasures. I don’t believe I would terrify anyone, I am far too pink and cute. Instead of standing around guarding things, which sounds so dreadfully boring, I think it would be much better if we played some games and enjoyed some tasty snacks.

117134 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-06-01 14:04:56

Donor reward
Released 1st Jun 2024
Until 30th Jun
Limited edition
buy for 2000

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Celestine Symphonia (Butterfly)

The rarest of butterflies, the Celestine Symphonia is a universal marvel. This onyx beauty with its fragile, translucent wings is the music of our world, the kiss of a tumbling brook over smooth graveled river beds, the rustle of new spring leaves, and the quiet of snow falling over sleeping lands. In the flutter of its wings, the symphonia creates the treasured sounds of life we are looking forward to in each new season, and the magical music we hear in the beat of our children’s hearts, in the sigh of a loved one’s contentment. No matter the world, nor what corner of the universe, the symphonia’s music needs no translation. It is life. It is love.

106722 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2022-08-18 21:10:55

Donor reward
Released 1st May 2018
Until 31st May
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
500 GM on 1 Feb 2022 20:11700 GM on 6 Aug 2021 21:09450 GM on 17 Feb 2021 00:59

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Dark Pegasus

Against a brilliant sky, a dark gleam casts an ominous shadow. As glorious as Pegasus, this wild cousin soars high above, leaving a trail of thunder clouds... with radiant beauty and alluring grace, Dark Pegasus moves majestically across the heavens.
Where Dark Pegasus touches, there is a tingle in the air. Is there malice behind that deep whinny, or merely the expression of a wild, free spirit? Tread carefully if you follow Dark Pegasus’ trail, for the final destination is mystery and intrigue!

106778 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-02-14 06:06:02

Donor reward
Released 1st Jun 2018
Until 30th Jun
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
100 GM on 7 Aug 2022 08:12600 GM on 23 Oct 2021 20:50600 GM on 6 Aug 2021 16:43

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Lilac-Breasted Roller (Sitting)

3rd of 3 donor rewards; becomes adoptable!
Ah, the day is at an end, and I can finally settle in, stretch out my wings and relax. Hm, is the nature channel showing Feinstein the talking parrot, again? Lucky me. It won’t be long before all my hard work pays off. And, then, it will be my feathers shining in the lights of a dozen reality show t.v. cameras. “Take that, Feinstein.” I’m coming for you world.

108261 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2023-08-31 01:39:26

Donor reward
Released 1st Sep 2019
Until 30th Sep
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
1000 GM on 19 Jan 2024 14:571500 GM on 11 Dec 2022 14:031000 GM on 30 Jul 2022 12:57

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OctoKitty of the Abyss

Purrr ... Deep in the seas I dwell, though catching glimpses of me is a difficult task. I travel the currents looking for the purrfect seabed to create my home upon. A place of my own to sleep, cook, and bake. (Those tasty fish are a wondrous addition to seawater cupcakes ... ) Hidden away in my own little abyss, I'd have a cozy nook to curl up with a good book read, a cup of tea (or maybe coffee), where I can watch the currents wax and wane and pursue my creative endeavours. Oh how I love to write, draw, paint, build ... I can never choose just one activity at a time, I'm often busy cooking up some delicious seaweed soufflé while painting the sunset from the ocean floor and writing about my latest adventure at the coral reef. After all, why choose when I have enough tentacles to do it all at once? Though I admit it's difficult to let go of my favourite things once I have them ... Would you like to be my new favourite thing?

108532 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-05-22 02:03:49

A fruit machine special prize
From 10th Oct 2019
To 9th Nov 2019
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
2000 GM on 22 Nov 2019 01:46

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Proud Dromedary

Hi there. If I bat my super long eyelashes at you will you go for a ride with me? We can go for a long trip across the desert sand. I won’t sink, see these amazingly wide feet, they are perfect for walking or running over sand. I also don’t need to worry about water as I live off the fat in my single hump, pretty clever design right? You will need to bring a canteen of water though as I can’t share my fat with you and you will also need some protection for your eyes from the swirling sand, I don’t have to worry about that either as my eyes have a clear inner eyelid. Please say you will join me and I have room for any pets you want to bring along as well.

112030 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2023-08-31 01:17:46

Donor reward
Released 1st Dec 2021
Until 31st Dec
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
900 GM on 9 Jun 2022 13:251000 GM on 1 Jan 2022 13:22999 GM on 16 Dec 2021 09:19

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The Little Fox’Maid, Arillina, Renewed

In all the history of the Petverse, there is a tale of courage and love that is well known. Arillina, the Fox’Maid’s story has been told for countless years amongst the Fox-maid clan, the story reaching to the shores above the deep ocean waters.

Arillina’s grandchildren were grown and had children of their own. Her beloved Auric, with whom she had spent a long and happy life, had gone to his last sleep—many years ago now. Arillina had her memories and the love of her family. There did not seem to be anything left for her to take care of. She would enjoy this time of life, in quiet pursuits, her garden, and spoiling her great-grandchildren. Only—there was something—in the back of her mind. It had come in the night in a dream. An ocean, Fox-maids, a cry to her heart, and then she would awake.

Arillina did not have to ponder this dream for long. On a chilly winter day—when she was out walking along the seashore—she saw something sparkling on the beach. It was a shell, a beautiful rainbow-hued shell. Arillina put the shell to her ear. A voice started to speak, “Arillina, you are needed, you are needed back below the waves. You must return to the Crystal Palace and rule your Fox-maid people.” Arillina looked around—there was no living being in sight. With a voice that was still strong and clear as a bell, Arillina spoke out across the waves. “I am too old to return to the ocean as a ruler. What has happened that I am so needed?” Arillina held the shell to her ear once more. “The Fox-maids are without a ruler now. There has been much fighting to see who would take the throne. You must return. If you hold that shell close to your heart and wish with all the love you have for your people, you will be transformed into a young Fox-maid.”

Arillina thought for a long time, and when she had finished thinking, she talked with her children and grandchildren. All agreed that if Arillina was needed, she must do what she could to bring peace back to the Fox-maids.

With her family around her, Arillina closed her eyes and held the shell close to her heart—she wished with all the love she held for her Fox-maid family. Arillina felt a warmth wash over her, and she could hear singing, the beautiful voices of hundreds of Fox-maids. Arillina opened her eyes and beheld the transformation. She was indeed young, and her skin had taken on the rainbowed hues of the shell. Saying a loving farewell, but not goodbye to her family, she went to the shore and dove beneath the waves.

112953 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2022-02-06 01:10:13

Donor reward
Released 1st Feb 2022
Until 28th Feb
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
1500 GM on 23 Dec 2023 09:58750 GM on 11 Oct 2023 18:52900 GM on 27 Jul 2023 18:28

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Humpback Whale Swimming

3rd of 3 donor rewards; becomes adoptable!
Grab your binoculars and watch closely at the ocean surface! Barely causing a ripple, you'll find this giant swimming under the surface, in a moment, popping up for a breath of air and a playful slap at the water, spraying anypet who's near by.

113854 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2022-12-02 23:24:05

Donor reward
Released 1st Nov 2022
Until 30th Nov
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
500 GM on 25 Jul 2023 10:05500 GM on 21 Dec 2022 14:06650 GM on 1 Dec 2022 22:07

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Eager Penguin Construction Worker

Good Morning! I am reporting for work, eager to start the day and help in any way I can. As you can see, I have my safety vest and my hard hat. When working on a construction site, you want to follow safety protocols and work neatly—which means not leaving bits of wood or materials around for others to get tangled up in.
I have always loved the sound of hammers, saws, and drills, the energy of the workers and watching the progression from an empty lot to a building. It could be a store, a restaurant, a house or a barn; from plans on a piece of paper to the finished building is a fascinating process that I love to be part of.

115224 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2023-06-10 02:33:47

A fruit machine special prize
From 10th May 2023
To 9th Jun 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1500

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Ogre Of The Forest Is Pleased To Meet You

Hey! Where are you going? Would you like to sit down with me? I have been reading this fascinating book of fairy tales. Look at this picture of an ogre, I guess this is supposed to represent me, but I don’t look like this. Sure, I am green. Yes, my teeth are pointy, and my ears are large. It is true I am strong, but as far as my temperament goes, I am not quick to anger, nor am I nasty, and I certainly don’t do the things stated in these tales.

I have found a sweet house in this village of PnF and am moving in. I could help you move furniture or carry logs for the fireplace, and I would love to join you and your pets for walks in the woods. I know a lot about woodlore.

115799 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2023-10-19 19:57:37

Donor reward
Released 1st Oct 2023
Until 31st Oct
Limited edition
buy for 1500

Gold sales
1499 GM on 2 Dec 2023 16:262000 GM on 11 Oct 2023 18:51

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Zany Zebra

Yes, colors abound in me, flowing and majestic, with a splash of fun! You’ll find me quickly in my herd, loud and proud! But hanging out on the savannah doesn’t keep my hooves calm, they were born to dance, and most nights you’ll find me hanging out in the club, showing off my swagger!

107841 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-05-15 21:24:45

Donor reward
Released 1st May 2019
Until 31st May
Limited edition
buy for 1300

Gold sales
1350 GM on 15 Jan 2024 20:07300 GM on 12 Oct 2023 19:001000 GM on 25 Jul 2023 21:54

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Magic Rabbit

You’ve heard tell of the famous line, uttered by magicians throughout history, “Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!”
Well, my friend, I AM THAT RABBIT!
When you see that trick working seamlessly, there’s a happy little bunny behind it, and a magician who knows how to take care of his staff! Crispy carrots, a snug burrow, and ample vacation pay go a long way (not to mention maternity leave, that’s a must!)
Well, since coming to PnF, the resident magician is a rabbit so of course, having been “in the business” makes for a very understanding boss, happy magic bunnies, and great tricks!

107176 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2021-11-07 19:34:07

A fruit machine special prize
From 10th Oct 2018
To 9th Nov 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1200

Gold sales
350 GM on 13 Jan 2020 15:25800 GM on 22 Nov 2018 11:43500 GM on 10 Nov 2018 15:03

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Ruby Red Dragon Hatchling (Mid-Flight)

It is such hard work being so young and learning to fly. Sometimes one just needs to take a pause mid flight and just look adorable. I am certainly doing a good job at it. Or so I think at least. I should get championship points for sheer adorableness. Once I master the fine art of flying I plan to tackle fire breathing. S’mores anyone?

108227 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2020-08-05 21:53:23

Donor reward
Released 1st Aug 2020
Until 31st Aug
Limited edition
buy for 1200

Gold sales
50 GM on 27 Sep 2023 19:57444 GM on 1 Jul 2023 16:54600 GM on 27 Sep 2020 21:33

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Frilled Dragon

Perhaps I deserve to wear a tiara as I feel rather regal dressed in my lovely green cape. I hold my head up with pride and prance around with confidence. I love to bask in the sun and enjoy vertical climbs but dressed in my cape you can take me to the opera any day. There I can listen to sopranos, tenors and everything in between. If I am very lucky, I might be able to have a snack from under the seats if any silly bugs decide to appear.

108348 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2021-09-29 03:05:10

A fruit machine special prize
From 10th Aug 2019
To 9th Sep 2019
Limited edition
buy for 1200

Gold sales
1000 GM on 10 Sep 2019 00:20

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Cockatoo (Romantic, Mauve-Pink)

The romantic little mauve cockatoo makes its debut in PnF for St Valentine's Day in 2021, because a little birdie told it that PnF had a "careening, sailing, dipping, flipping, and swooping Cockatoo" that has been searching the canopy in your art for a mate for the past 5 years!

Will these pets' flight paths cross? Or will their ships silently pass in the night? Whether or not their romance ever blossoms rests entirely in your capable hands, as portrayed by your art. So we await the conclusion to your story, of love lost and found, or of blighted love?

110851 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2022-06-07 00:43:51

Donor reward
Released 1st Feb 2021
Until 28th Feb
Limited edition
buy for 1200

Gold sales
250 GM on 25 May 2024 08:11555 GM on 15 Feb 2024 19:411000 GM on 25 Jul 2023 21:43

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Silver sales
80000 SM on 30 Nov 2021 21:47

Morning Sunrise Hummingbird

Hummmm… Bzzzzzzzz… If you are outside cat-napping on the porch and hear what sounds a bit like a bumblebee, have no fear; it’s only a little hummingbird. I’ve just stopped by to have a few sips of the perfectly sweetened sugar-water in the feeder. Thank you for not putting any coloring in it. I prefer it that way; nectar in flowers is clear and it is better for my health to have a natural diet. Due to the rapid beating of my wings I am in constant need of sugar for energy and I have the unique ability to turn nectar into fuel within thirty minutes.
I like my sugar-water to be clear but that doesn’t mean I don’t like color in other places, like my beautiful feathers. My pastel coloring is in beautiful shades of a sunrise, ranging from the golden glow of the sun to the soft pinks in the clouds of a morning sunrise. And I just love the way my feathers look iridescent in the sunlight. My beauty goes much deeper though. I am a very thankful bird and I will remember where your feeder is after my long migratory flight back from Central America. I will stay in your yard all summer and even bring my babies to see you and show them how nice you are.

111216 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-05-15 21:23:44

Donor reward
Released 1st Apr 2021
Until 30th Apr
Limited edition
buy for 1200

Gold sales
1250 GM on 25 Jul 2023 21:421000 GM on 13 Aug 2022 19:46750 GM on 27 Apr 2022 20:00

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Today's the day to be brave!
The Lioness is vigilant; when necessary she is fierce; she is loyal, strong, graceful and agile. The Lioness is aware, tenacious and protective, and is a great breadwinner!
She and her fellow (fellow? Oh, the shortcomings of the English language!) lionesses are the primary hunters of their pride and are highly protective of their young.
The Lioness encourages dreams. Go where your heart calls; live a full life and not a mere humdrum existence!
The Lioness is ready to help you be the bravest and best version of you.
Our beautiful, cream-coloured Lioness leaves you with a final thought, from the poet Rudyard Kipling:
When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

111443 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-05-15 21:23:14

Donor reward
Released 1st May 2021
Until 31st May
Limited edition
buy for 1200

Gold sales
1200 GM on 23 Dec 2023 09:581000 GM on 25 Jul 2023 21:42900 GM on 25 May 2023 19:09

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Humpback Whale Breaching (Jumping)

2nd of 3 donor rewards; becomes adoptable!
Is there any greater excitement than to be watching as a Humpback gracefully jumps out of the water, arching in the air and landing back into the depths of the ocean? Nope, I didn't think so either.

113853 FULL SIZE.
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Offered: 2024-02-05 18:14:14

Donor reward
Released 1st Oct 2022
Until 31st Oct
Limited edition
buy for 1049

Gold sales
111 GM on 16 Mar 2024 17:09222 GM on 6 Jan 2024 00:21900 GM on 14 Nov 2022 04:23

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 3055 finds.
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