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Mette Marie
& Flo og Fjære


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Flo og Fjære the African Penguin Chick (male)
Birthday: 2020-06-11 Adopted: 2020-06-11.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Freezing)

Best: 672.00 metres

Your challenger!

I’m such a sad lil penguin. Won’t you please take me home? I recently learned that some humans insist upon calling us African penguins by a not so nice name for donkeys. Sniff sniff. Apparently they think that our calls to fellow colony members sound like a braying donkey. How rude! We are penguins! Not donkeys! Sheesh! So I am just looking for a nice home where I will be appreciated for who I am.

Hot sand! Hot Sand! Hot Sand! OK, so who had the brilliant idea to transplant us from the frigid barren desert of Antarctica to this hot and sometime humid climate of Africa? Was it you? I’m looking at you! I’m melting my tail feathers off! Next time can we please try for something a lil more temperate? Like Canada? At least they get four seasons…even if it is all in one day.

This hot weather truly is getting to me. Don’t mind if I take a little rest here in the shade. Just a 15 minute penguin nap should do. I know I should be grateful that I am not freezing my tail feathers off but this heat just leaves me with no energy. I want to dance but it seems all I can do each day is eat and sleep. Would you please turn on a fan? I could use the white noise to help doze off.

Flo og Fjære's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 19166
Best: 24727
Level 2411615

This pet won 12th place in Diving:Event Wins in the PnF Games 2023!

This pet won 10th place in Diving:Champions in the PnF Games 2023!

This pet won 11th place in Diving:Challenges in the PnF Games 2023!

Flo og Fjære's 'Power Pets' trophies:

31st December 2021
Won a FULL SIZE Events trophy for skill in Diving!
25th December 2021
Won a size 10 Events trophy for skill in Diving!
22nd December 2021
Won a size 7 Events trophy for skill in Diving!
4th January 2021
Won a full size Waylon trophy for skill in Diving!
24th October 2020
Won a size 10 Waylon trophy for skill in Diving!
24th September 2020
Won a size 7 Waylon trophy for skill in Diving!

Flo og Fjære's Pentathlon trophies:

20th November 2023
This pet won award level 1 in the Pentathlon on 20th November 2023!
20th October 2023
This pet won award level 2 in the Pentathlon on 20th October 2023!
30th November -0001
This pet won award level 2 in the Pentathlon on 20th September 2023!
20th August 2023
This pet won award level 2 in the Pentathlon on 20th August 2023!
20th July 2023
This pet won award level 3 in the Pentathlon on 20th July 2023!

Flo og Fjære's 'Power Pets' achievements:


20th December 2023

7th place in Diving:Event Wins. Link

20th November 2023

1st place in Diving:Form. Link

2nd place in Diving:Challenges. Link

20th October 2023

1st place in Diving:Form. Link

2nd place in Diving:Challenges. Link

20th September 2023

3rd place in Diving:Challenges. Link

7th place in Diving:Event Wins. Link

5th place in Diving:Form. Link

20th August 2023

7th place in Diving:Challenges. Link

20th January 2022

1st place in Diving:Event Wins. Link

20th December 2021

1st place in Diving:Challenges. Link

4th place in Diving:Form. Link

1st place in Diving:Event %. Link

6th place in Diving:Bravery. Link

5th place in Diving:Event Wins. Link

20th November 2021

7th place in Diving:Bravery. Link

20th February 2021

6th place in Diving:Event Wins. Link

5th place in Diving:Form. Link

20th December 2020

7th place in Diving:Form. Link

20th November 2020

6th place in Diving:Challenges. Link

5th place in Diving:Form. Link

20th October 2020

4th place in Diving:Form. Link

6th place in Diving:Champions. Link

20th September 2020

5th place in Diving:Form. Link

1st place in Diving:Champions. Link

3rd place in Diving:Challenges. Link

20th August 2020

4th place in Diving:Form. Link

3rd place in Diving:Bravery. Link

This pet was your first pet to Totally Own the Champion pet at Diving! Link

Flo og Fjære's other achievements

This pet completed an Underwater Adventure on July 29th 2020!

Click the image to view the details!

Flo og Fjære lives here!

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