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PnF Election 2016: Storms of Legend: The Dangerous Tornad'ohs
Some Rocks and Clouds followed Storia on her journey. The Clouds warned her the next stop would be dangerous, and they would have to remain behind or be swept far away. The Rocks promised to help anchor her, to keep her safe.

The wind roared as the area's inhabitants grew closer, and grew they did indeed. Growing in size with each gust of wind. The Rocks surround Storia, helping to keep her from flying away. The Tornad'ohs certainly seemed to have earned their title of 'dangerous'.

How the Tornad'oh representative heard her over the deafening winds, the pounding rain, she never knew. She was convinced the foliage in the area wasn't real, as no leaf, tree, or bush she knew of could withstand the constant wind.

In the end, she learned much, including how most of the Tornad'ohs were just full of hot air, and actually very friendly. The tough winds which accompanied them everywhere often kept other pets at bay. They admired the courage of one so little, risking so much to visit them.

As a parting gift of their support, some of the smallest Tornad'ohs were sent with Storia to her next stop on the campaign trail.
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