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Moles, Trolls, Gold
"How the Candy-pillars Came to be so Delicious" (aka "Be Careful What You Wish For!")
"Well," said the Candy-pillar's leader (whose name just happened to be Candy), "Our story begins innocently enough, in a land far, far from here. While there were no bacon bushes like you have, there was plenty of food for all, and our people didn't generally eat one another (although the occasional bird would wander through, and I'm sure you can imagine what chaos that caused!)"

Candy shuddered at some far away memory, then continued, "We were happy enough, for the most part, but our mother would fret occasionally about how dull and drab we were. We, as butterflies, do have the tendency toward vanity, and so she persisted in comparing herself unfavorably to her fellow 'flies, despite the fact that her elegant gray and yellow wings were considered quite attractive by all who knew her. Her children, of course, could care less that we were dull gray, as we knew that we would get our yellow when we earned our wings! We were happy to inch along the branches, nibbling leaves and fruit, while our mothers fluttered about, sipping nectar."
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