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Moles, Trolls, Gold
"How the Candy-pillars Came to be so Delicious" (aka "Be Careful What You Wish For!")
"One fateful day, when Mother was feeling especially restless, a beautiful creature flew over our land. It's wings were as blue as the sea, and there was a kindly, mischievous twinkle in its eye."

"Why are you so sad, my fluttery friend?" the wondrous creature inquired...

Candy smiled a rueful smile, "If Mother had realized that this creature was kin to the Unicorns, she might not have been so ready to trust in a stranger! Unicorns have a reputation in our land as mischief makers, and this creature was about to provide proof that their reputation was deserved!"

"As the lovely creature continued, Mother was becoming more and more mesmerized by it's beauty, but unbeknownst to Mother, it was more than beauty that was affecting her..."

"What you truly wish for, you will receive" the creature cried, and with a swish of it's tail, it was gone..."

"Wait!" Mother shouted, but it was gone as quickly as it had come...

"Well, that's the oddest thing!" Mother thought, "What I truly wish for..."
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