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Storia Chie
19 mins

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44 mins

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1 hr

Moles, Trolls, Gold
"How the Candy-pillars Came to be so Delicious" (aka "Be Careful What You Wish For!")
Storia's eyes grew wide with wonder as Candy continued her story...
"Well," Candy continued, "Mother was in a conundrum. What did she truly wish for? Did she really want to change her wings? The more she thought, the more she realized she was happy as she was. Her children were a bit drab, but happy, so she wasn't sure what she would change about them either! As she was sipping nectar one day, watching her cater-children at play among the fruits, she admired the great variety that the Tree of Plenty bore, and wondered what it would be like if her children were just like their favorite fruits. Then, suddenly, POOF! Every last one of us was transformed into a lovely rainbow of colors! Well, I can tell you, that caused quite a stir! But odder still was the fruity scent that seemed to get stronger as the day wore on. Where was that lovely scent coming from? The fruit always smelled delicious to us, but it didn't seem to be coming from the tree at all...
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