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Aug 30th 2016
21 slides

Aug 31st 2016

Day over

Sep 1st 2016
38 slides

what's in the box?

if you haven't already noticed, scaredy cat is not your typical cat. he's afraid of just about everything and what most cats would enjoy causes him a great deal of stress. take this mystery box for instance. cats love boxes! if you buy one of those cat trees that has lots of platforms to sit on and poles to scratch, the cat will head straight for the box it came in. you buy a new pair of boots for the winter - the cat will claim the box it as its own. and it doesn't matter what size the box is. the cat will find a way to get into it - even if it has to curl up to fit. but not scaredy cat. he sees a box and worries that it he won't fit. he worries that if he does get inside, that it will fall in on him. and cardboard dust is horrible - it makes a kitty's nose tickle and makes the kitty sneeze! and this box - what's inside of it? is it a monster? is it one of his mean brothers hiding inside, waiting for the right moment to jump out and pounce on him? please oh please - just take the box away!!

this week - we're making some changes in the red and blue mystery prize boxes and we're challenging you to tell us what's inside! is there a priceless treasure? can it be a rare animal that was newly discovered by a world renowned animal expert? or maybe it's actually one of those toys that has a jester pop out on a spring when you remove the lid! whatever is inside, i'm sure that we're all going to get really excited when you reveal its contents!!

for your participation, you will receive.....

here's the basics:
you must submit your art to the pnf art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* put "what's in the box?" in the title or description
* the entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* to vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* voting will be open immediately
* this challenge will be open from now until around 1:00am GMT september 6th (around 8:00pm tuesday night in the USA).

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