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May 9th 2017
17 slides

May 10th 2017

Day over

May 11th 2017
20 slides

Fair Trade

Scared Cat was with Sir W at the local coffee shop, with Sir W contemplating his weekly coffee purchase. Sir W noticed that some of the coffee tags said they were "Fair Trade". He pulled out a few trinkets out of his pocket and inspected them, discovering a handful of change, his secret decoder ring, some pebbles from their walk and a few loose pieces of string. He grabs a bag of coffee and heads to the register, Scaredy Cat close behind. At the checkout, the cashier said "That will be $9.85" please. Sir W hands over his beloved decoder ring, and says "I think that this is a Fair Trade". The cashier looks startled and replies "I'm sorry sir, that isn't what "Fair Trade" means - you actually have to pay real money for your coffee". Sir W looks pretty confused but handed over the correct amount of Copper Coins, and waited for Scaredy Cat to pay for his cup of coffee. Sir W was a bit perturbed about the whole incident and began to complain as they went outside to drink their coffees. Scaredy Cat begins to explain that Fair Trade Coffee along with many other items we can purchase from around the world, are labeled "Fair Trade" because they provide workers with living wages, safe working conditions and help better the communities where they come from. Sir W is intrigued and wants more information. Scaredy Cat, actually being a little more tech savvy than his friend, shows him the interweb site for the World Fair Trade Organization. The pair are amazed as they look at all the great things that they can buy in the fair market place.

This week, we're going to participate in World Trade Day, which takes place on May 13th. For this art challenge, we are asking you to create a PnF Fair Market bazaar, where your pet can shop for things that are considered a Fair Trade use. This could be anything that you need to shop for, from fancy fabrics, food, articles of clothing or sporting goods. Your goal is to promote Fair Trade practices that will enable the maker and supplier a fair wage while prompting pet consumers to consider Fair Trade options within their shopping. Get together with your pet friends and make this a group effort! Sell lemonade and snacks for shoppers to consume while they look to see what awesome wares you have that they can purchase!

Thank you Carol Hanson for sharing this idea for this week's art challenge!

For your participation, you will receive.....

Here's the basics:
Your submission MUST be related to the theme
You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Fair Trade" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT May 16th (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).

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