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Dec 9th 2017
25 slides

Dec 10th 2017

Day over

Dec 11th 2017
10 slides

Ugly Christmas Sweater

Ailsa McKillop
Edgar's Great-Aunt Millicent had arrived for a Christmas visit. Though glad to see his elderly relative, Edgar was secretly appalled by the colourful pullovers she had made for him and Young Allan, with matching Santa hats and socks! No doubt Genghis wouldn't be able to resist urging him, Edgar, to try his on! It was all right for Young Allan—he loved his new pullover and was chirping happily to Great-Aunt Millicent about wearing it to his school end of term party, and telling her everything they had done at school that year.

Finally, Great-Aunt Millicent, her lace cap askew after a little too much mulled wine, turned to Edgar and asked the question he was dreading.

"Well, Edgar, do you like your new pullover?"

Edgar rose to the occasion. Ignoring Genghis, who he could positively hear smirking, he said, "Great-Aunt Millicent, I can safely say that on the right occasion, it will be the perfect garment to wear. Er, more mulled wine?"

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