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Dec 19th 2017
13 slides

Dec 20th 2017

Day over

Dec 21st 2017
21 slides


Scaredy Cat and his beloved service dog are taking a long walk, looking at the many homes that have been decorated for the Christmas holiday season. Today at school, his teacher talked about the different traditions some families have when celebrating the holidays. One student in the class said that each member of her family gets to open one small gift on Christmas Eve before going to bed. Another student said they get in the car and drive around town, looking at all the decorations. His teacher said that every year, she buys a new ornament to put on her tree. Several students said they bake cookies with their mom or grandma every year. Scaredy Cat didn't have any traditions. He'd been so afraid of so many things for a long time, so he never did much. But this year had been much better. He's become much braver and is willing to try new things. So this year, he's going to start his own tradition. He is taking his dog with him (for support) and he's going to go look at the decorations and lights in his and surrounding neigborhoods. He might even get braver and walk into town to see how the shops have decorated their storefronts. And when he's done, he'll go home and have a bowl of warm milk and some gingerbread mice cookies he got from his teacher. This will be a nice day.

This week, we're going to celebrate traditions! Like Scaredy Cat learned in school, many people have traditions they follow every year for the Christmas holiday season. What do you and your pet do? Are there special things you do every year that you look forward to? Maybe you bake all kinds of cookies and sweets. There's probably one person in the family that plays Christmas songs on the piano at the family gathering. Does your pet go look at the lights and decorations like Scaredy Cat? If you don't have any traditions, what do you think you would like to do if you did have them? Don't celebrate Christmas? Maybe you have traditions for other special occasions! Share them with us!

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Here's the basics:
Your submission MUST be related to the theme
You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Traditions" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around midnightam GMT December 26th
(around 7pm Tuesday night in the USA).

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