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Apr 9th 2019
15 slides

Apr 10th 2019

Day over

Apr 11th 2019
21 slides

Pop of Color

Something's wrong in PnF land. Somthing is very wrong. Scaredy Cat woke up from a midday nap and the color has disappeared from almost everything! The only things that still have any color are the collars he and his little sister Truffle are wearing. He goes outside and his surroundings have turned monochrome! It's just black & white & gray! Why did this happen and what is the cause? His little neighbor, Mr. Waddlesworth, is trying very hard to add color back to the trees. "Just a pop of color to add some happiness", sings Mr. Waddlesworth, as he adds a bit of red paint to the grayness. Will that pop of color really help? Scaredy Cat hopes that this is just a dream and not reality.

This week, as we discover that the world of PnF has turned monochromatic, the challenge we are giving you is to add a splash of color to what seems to appear in black/white/gray. There are pets and hoomans who get a great deal of pleasure in seeing images in black & white and some like it even more when images are black & white with a little pop of color. How would you take something that is in b&w and give it that little pop? Would you use bright colors in only just one or two spots or would you leave only a little b&w, using the entire rainbow to change its look? What color or colors would you want to use to add brightness and gaiety? We can't wait to see how you will rise to the challenge this week!!

Here's the basics:
Your submission MUST be related to the theme
You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Pop of Color" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT April 16th (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).

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