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Jan 11th 2022
5 slides

Jan 12th 2022

Day over

Jan 13th 2022
11 slides

On the Calendar

Scaredy Cat is looking at the large calendar on the wall at the community center and wonders what all the colored dots mean on the various dates. One of the staff members explained that they indicate activities planned to commemorate holidays and observances. One example given was for January 11th - it is Milk Day. The community center will celebrate this day by having milk and cookies for all the pets who visit that day and there will be a raffle to win a handmade milkshake at the local ice cream shop. Milk Day? Scaredy Cat can't believe his ears!! There's a day to celebrate milk!!! And today is Milk Day!! Who would have thought that this was going to be such an awesome day! Bob likes the idea of winning a milkshake - milkshakes are made from ice cream and ice cream is made from milk. cream...milkshakes....deliciousness at it's best. He agrees with his friend that today is totally awesome!! The pair thinks it might be good to stop by the stationary store and get themselves calendars to jot important dates and events into. Who would want to forget Milk Day??

This week - let's talk about calendars. It seems that our lives are so busy that calendars, whether an "old fashioned" print calendar or the kind you have on your mobile device, are super important. How else can you keep track of all the things going on in your life? Does your calendar have important events, such as birthdays and anniversaries jotted down in them so that you know when you need to send cards to your loved ones? Do you keep track of your appointments in your calendar? When you are planning to get away, your calendar is probably filled with details that will make your holiday go as smoothly as possible. Do you have more than one calendar? One on the wall of the kitchen. One on your desk. Maybe a pocket sized planner in your purse/briefcase? And let's not forget the calendar on your mobile device that will send you reminders as you approach the day of whatever it was you put into it. Calendars - a great tool to keep track of all you do!!

Here's the basics:
*Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
*You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "On the Calendar" in the title or description.
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT January 18, 2022 (around 7:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).

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