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Aug 16th 2022
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Aug 17th 2022

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Aug 18th 2022
13 slides

Back to School

Scaredy Cat
August is Back to School Month, so Scaredy Cat sets out with Bob and JJ to fill their shopping lists. Upon their arrival in the parking lot, Bob’s first thoughts centers on the bakery and he fumbles with his bag in excitement. Scaredy Cat thought he was going to have a tough time keeping Bob on track, so it was a good thing he had JJ to hold onto the money bag and the list of items they were there to get. Of course, Scaredy Cat was nervous about having to traverse so many stores with all the options available and the large crowds. JJ would stay close to comfort him and keep him calm as well as keeping Bob from getting too distracted about all the treats he could get in all the sweet shops until they were finished with their shopping. Bob’s thoughts kept turning to all the bakery delights that awaited him while they got their school supplies, clothes, and shoes. Would they be able to stay on track ‘til their mission was complete or would Bob be unable to contain himself as images of cakes and chocolates and tarts and more float inside of his head. This was going to be a serious challenge!

This week we’re preparing for Back-to-School Month! If the "summer ending and school starting" ritual makes you anxious, then participating in Back-to-School Month will help parents, students and teachers prepare for the new academic year. Celebrated since the 1960's, it's time to put away the beach bag, pick up the backpack, and get an "A" for participation. A fun fact is that elementary school became a requirement in the United States in 1918. DIDASKEALEINIPHOBIA (don’t ask me how to pronounce this) is an acute fear of going back to school that affects 2.4% of children. Giving apples to teachers? This tradition goes back to 16th century Denmark, where teachers weren’t paid enough to buy food, so the parents would send their children to school with an apple for them. What will your pets be doing to support Back-to-School Month? Will they host a fundraiser to buy school supplies or perhaps donate to schools in need, or children in shelters? Will they volunteer at your local school helping to show kids around the new school grounds or helping the teachers? Help with transportation? Drive a school bus? Or maybe help with back-to-school safety events such as working as a crossing guard, explain about safe crossings and educating the community about speed limits in school zones? Does your pet strive to be the “teacher’s pet”? What could they do to get the teacher’s attention? Is your pet super smart or do they struggle with learning and need extra help to understand what’s been taught? Do you walk to school, have someone drive you or do you take the bus? Are there after school activities that your pet looks forward to taking part in, such as sports, drama club, choir? Whatever your pets choose to do, we wish them a safe and happy new school year!

Here's the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put “Back to School” in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT Aug 23, 2022 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)

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