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Feb 28th 2023
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Mar 1st 2023

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Mar 2nd 2023
14 slides

All About March

Scaredy Cat
Bob, Scaredy Cat and JJ were having a day of leisure at the park nearby. The weather was beautiful, and it seemed to give out a very positive and cheerful vibe all around. Bob brought along a net to try and catch some lovely butterflies. Scaredy Cat and JJ were just enjoying the outdoor and its great weather. "You look happy" Bob said to Scaredy Cat. "Anything going on that I didn't know of?" "You really want to know why I'm such in a great mood now?" replied Scaredy Cat. "It is because it's March!!! I love, love, LOVE the month of March" said Scaredy Cat excitedly. "The month of March is a time for fresh starts, renewal, and overall rejuvenation. It is time to shake off the blues of winter and welcome the warmer weather, longer days, and blossoming nature that spring has to offer" added Scaredy Cat. "I guess you could be excited about that. You know what I'm excited for in the month of March? March is known for two fun things – hunting for leprechauns (and their infamous pot of gold) and chasing flutterbees!" Bob said. "Well, March is when spring officially begins and that would be enough to cheer up anyone including you Bob. Who doesn't love spring!!" Scaredy Cat said with a smile.

"Here are some other fun facts about March that I think you should know" Scaredy Cat continued on.
• March is the time of year when animals start waking up from hibernation and many trees are blossoming and early flowers are pushing through the earth.
• March has two birthstones, not unlike some other months. Aquamarine is one birthstone for March, and it symbolizes youth, health, and hope. Bloodstone is the other March birthstone. It is a type of quartz known for its fiery flecks of red, representing strength and stealth.
• March’s birth flower is the daffodil or jonquil. The daffodil signifies regard or unrequited love. The jonquil means “I desire a return of affection.”
• Did you also know that March is National Umbrella Month?
"Wow!! You sure do love the month of March. I love all the facts you presented. March really is one cool month" said Bob as the three of them continued on, enjoying the lovely day that March is bringing.

March, as a whole, is a month that brings with it optimism, growth, and new prospects. People think about spring as a time for new beginnings – what is something you would like to start doing this spring? This week, Scaredy Cat and Bob would love to see an art interpretation of the month of March. Whether it be about March’s flowers, birthstones or umbrellas, or something you think is special about this month, let your imagination run wild and give us the best of March in your artwork!!
The brown buds thicken on the trees, Unbound, the free streams sing, As March leads forth across the leas The wild and windy spring. –Elizabeth Akers Allen (1832–1911)

Here are the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
* Please submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put “All About March” in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes in the gallery will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you wish.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until March 7, 2023 (around 7:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)

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