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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
Cow Appreciation Day
Scaredy Cat is worried about his friend Pearl Ham, who is visiting after moving to New Pork City a couple of years ago. While Bob shows off his cow plushie and talks about Cow Appreciation Day being celebrated on July 7th, Frank the Pig is really giving Pearl Ham a piece of his mind about how there's a "Yellow Pig Day" celebration held on July 17th. Apparently Yellow Pig Day is celebrated with cake, carols, parades and general revelry. What about pink pigs? Who ever heard of a yellow pig? And why are you wearing those yellow bows? Frank is disgusted. The cows are obviously oblivious to the scene - they're still prancing about in the fields as they get ready for their big celebration. This week - we're celebrating Cow Appreciation Day!! And boy do we appreciate the cows in PnF!! Where else can you get specific cows to make specific flavored things such as milk, ice cream and more!! How will you and your pet celebrate? Will there be a party? Will you serve ice cold milk and cookies ? Will there be ice cream and cakes? Or maybe there's a big parade!! Will Frank the Pig sabotage the frivolity? It's all up to you and your pet to decide how you'll be honoring the cows of PnF!! Here's the basics: *Your submission MUST be related to the theme. *You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted. * Put “Cow Appreciation Day” in the title or description * The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner. * To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want * Voting will be open immediately * This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT July 7th (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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