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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
In Your Head

Scaredy Cat and Bob were hanging out, playing cards and livestreaming some music. All of a sudden, Bob yells out, "Oh my word!! I've got an earworm and can't get rid of it!!!" Alarmed, Scaredy Cat starts to panic and wonders how serious having an earworm is or if it's something that will work itself out of Bob's ear. Nervously, he asks Bob if they should call the doctor to see if this earworm can be removed. Bob shakes his head and tells his friend that an earworm is not an actual bug but is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a pet's mind after it is no longer playing. At the moment, he has a song called "Zombie" playing over and over in his head, conjuring up images of zombies. This triggers the same occurance for Scaredy Cat, with a cat in a cradle popping in his head as the song, "Cat's in the Cradle" now silently repeats itself in his head. Even with the streaming music in the background, the earworms in their heads seem to drown out whatever is actually playing. Will this go on forever or will the songs eventually stop playing? Only time will tell!!

This week we're challenging you to tell us what song is always in your head! Scaredy Cat's hooman can usually hear a select couple of songs from her favorite rock band, even if she's listening to something else. What song pops in your head at random and is played on repeat for what sometimes seems hours? Is it a song you fondly recall from your childhood that your mom sang to you each night before bed? Maybe you hear that special song that your true love dedicated to you the day that they declared their love for you! That earworm could be one that brings up a memory that reminds you of a moment in time that you wish you could get back. Whatever it is - share what song is in your head!!

*** PLEASE NOTE: The day this art challenge ends is Election Day here in the USA and I am a poll assistant, working at a polling station the ENTIRE day. Due to the fact that I won't be home til at least 2 hours AFTER game change time, this art challenge WILL NOT end until AFTER I get home.

Here's the basics:

*Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
*You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "In Your Head" in the title or description.
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries
as you want.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT November 3rd (around 7:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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