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Rewards for payments remain DOUBLE their pre-COVID value!

Golden Moles, Frank 'n' Cents and Platinum Paws!

Golden Moles (GMs) are the premium currency of "Pets 'n' Friends". Frank 'n' Cents are a special currency with which to play our fruit machine. Buy them using PayPal! Just click the "Buy Now" button, below. If you are not used to Paypal, "How to get Golden Moles", a document in our Facebook group, may help you. If you want to set up a monthly payment to us, this is how!
Acceptance Mark





You can also put golden moles and platinum paws in your wish list! Just click the icon:

Each $10 payment gets you: 400 GM and 2 PP.

Each $10.01 payment gets you: 100k FnC and 2 PP.

Example: $30.02 gets you 400 GM, 200k FnC, 6 PP.

Mix and match GM and FnC however you want!
Donor rewards: the more you pay, the bigger they get! See below.

Celebrating double rewards!

Donor Reward!

With your February payment you will get an additional bonus - Pelican Looking For Fish!
In February 2025 if you pay $50 you will get one FULL SIZE and one size 7!

Size: Full
Free with: $40

Size: 10
Free with: $20

Size: 7
Free with: $10

Size: 4
Free with: $5

EXTRA Donor Reward!

With your February payment you will get an EXTRA bonus - The Cutest Puppy Dog, Please Cuddle Me!
You will get exactly as many Extra Donor Rewards as you get Donor Rewards.
In February 2025 if you pay $50 you will get one FULL SIZE and one size 7!

Size: Full
Free with: $40

Size: 10
Free with: $20

Size: 7
Free with: $10

Size: 4
Free with: $5

Scaredy Cat meets new pets!

Li’ll Stinker, Skunk

I’m not stinky, you’re stinky! All fun aside, well not aside, I love to play. I will run, stomp, do backflips, shake toys, and play fight with the cat or other pet. Back to the stinky stuff, I only stink up things when I am startled or scared of a predator so as long as you don’t sneak up on me all is fine.

If I suddenly climb on you, curl up, smack my lips as if I had just tasted the best treat ever, and let out a huge sigh, it means I am going to have a long nap. Are you ready for a snuggle with a cute skunk?

Splendid Feathers Love Bird

Love birds are always thought of in the month of Hearts. I am a rare love bird found only in PnF environs. My brilliantly, pink, purple and blue feathers won’t be found in the real world.

I love to eat seeds, fruits, grass and vegetables. I am a small bird and part of the parrot family. Being intelligent and affectionate I make a great friend. I love to snuggle close to you and will be interested in anything you are doing. I do not tolerate being alone, so be prepared to either get me a mate or spend a lot of time playing and cuddling with me. Chirp!

Pelican Looking For Fish

Howdy! I am a pelican, not a pelicant and I can sure stuff a lot of fish down my throat, all thanks to the unique pouch I have under my lower jaw. It acts like a fishing net, I can scoop up the fish, drain the water and slurp those fish down my throat. I may look awkward walking on the beach but if you see me swimming, diving or flying you will hold your breath at how awesome I am.

The Cutest Puppy Dog, Please Cuddle Me

The holidays are over and I sure had fun. There were so many new smells and bits of crinkly paper to play with. Now it is time for me to have some serious cuddle time with you. You can curl up in the chair by the fire and read your book and I will snuggle on your lap. Tomorrow, if the weather is nice we can go to the beach so I can learn even more new things.


We currently handle payments manually. When we receive a payment, we update your account as soon as we can, subject to staff availability. A tiny golden coin appears in the user's toolbar. Hover this to see your currency balances (Golden Moles, Silver Moles, Frank 'n' Cents and Platinum Paws), or click the coin to see your payment history.

We will move to an integrated payment system as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, if your balance has not been updated after 24 hours, please inquire about the delay in the Pets 'n' Friends Facebook group.

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