To find your login information, click the down arrow next to your icon in the toolbar;
the "Username" and "Password" tabs will provide you with your login information.
- "Image" shall refer to art provided by "Pets 'n' Friends".
"Picture" shall refer to art created by the use of the "Pets 'n' Friends" image editor.
"Signature" shall refer to art used in the MSP forum.
"Video" refers to any form of video which includes "pictures".
- 1. Users may create signatures for use on the MSP forum and in the 'My Pets' page 'Welcome' section by hand,
or using any software they own or have legitimate access to.
To fit the overlay version of the 'Welcome' section they should be 630 pixels wide by 300 high, or smaller.
Pictures reproduced anywhere else must be created using the PnF image editor, and the game should be acknowledged.
- 2. Pictures created using the PnF image editor may be reproduced by users,
whether they created the picture or they are posting pictures created by others,
on any platform where the game can be played, and on the MSP forum.
This specifically includes using the Facebook share, like and comment buttons.
Pictures may be reproduced on other social sites for the purpose of sharing your enjoyment of the game.
This may not under any circumstances include commercial use of any kind.
If the user is unclear, they should seek advice on the MSP forum from the PnF game administrator, "lisa".
- 3. MSP shall consider selling PnF image-bearing goods as and when PnF app membership makes this viable;
users must not seek to create their own products using game images, pictures or signatures.
- 4. Users who create and sell signatures in the forum should not seek or accept reward in other forms than game items
(golden moles, silver moles, images, etc. are allowed) and are specifically required not to sell signatures for money.
- 5. Users must not trade in-game ownership of images for money or for any form of payment external to the game.
- 6. We do not permit our images to be altered for any purpose except creating forum signatures.
- 7. Users agree that MSP may use any picture created using the PnF image editor for promotional purposes.
- 8. Users take sole responsibility for the legality of any picture they create using the PnF image editor in all jurisdictions.