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David Kosloski
& rags






rags the Bashful Badger (male)
Birthday: 2016-08-26 Adopted: 2016-08-26.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Snoring)

Best: 0.00 kg

Your challenger!

Mr Brockbank
Badgers are normally secretive creatures who are happiest in the quiet and solitude of night. Whilst digging extensions to their setts, they often find jewels and other odd things, but they are mostly content to live in family groups, enjoying each other's company; wealth means little to them.

When PnF was founded, a rumour spread through the pets that a spirit-badger had created the world in which they lived. Suddenly badgers were getting all kinds of visiting creatures wanting to know how the game of life should be played, what the Great Badger had planned for the future and whether all should eat worms in their efforts to be like Him.

Badgers responded in one of two ways. Some retreated further into their setts for fear that anyone might find out about their jewels, in which case they would never have any peace. Others accepted the challenge and went into the world as prophets, seeking to understand the rules of the game and to enlighten others as they strove to comprehend the thoughts of their creator, in whose image they had been made.

rags's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1828
Best: 2318
Level 11545

rags's other achievements

This pet completed the 2017 Pirate Hunt on 2017-09-06!

Click the image to view the details!

rags lives here!

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