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& Karli


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Karli the Giraffe (female)
Birthday: 2019-06-24 Adopted: 2019-06-24.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 800 (Blinkered)

Best: 420.0 mph

I am best known for my looooooong neck, but did you know I also have a looooooong tongue? It's true, I do!

I am the tallest living terrestrial animal and take advantage of this by eating leaves that most other animals cannot get to. I live in Africa, and love to run on the savanna, but sometimes, I stop to chat with monkeys high up in the trees. I mean, these long legs and neck have to be used for more than just eating, right? A little playfulness never hurt anyone!

Karli's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 9922
Best: 12721
Level 245744

This pet won 2nd place in The Quarter Mile:Form in the PnF Games 2022!

This pet won 10th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions in the PnF Games 2022!

This pet won 9th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges in the PnF Games 2022!

This pet won 3rd place in The Quarter Mile:Bravery in the PnF Games 2022!

This pet won 7th place in The Quarter Mile:Event Wins in the PnF Games 2021!

This pet won 9th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions in the PnF Games 2021!

This pet won 9th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges in the PnF Games 2021!

This pet won 10th place in The Quarter Mile:Form in the PnF Games 2020!

This pet won 8th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges in the PnF Games 2020!

Karli's 'Power Pets' trophies:

17th April 2021
Won a full size C Biscuit trophy for skill in The Quarter Mile!
17th December 2020
Won a size 10 C Biscuit trophy for skill in The Quarter Mile!
22nd July 2020
Won a size 7 C Biscuit trophy for skill in The Quarter Mile!

Karli's Pentathlon trophies:

20th November 2022
This pet won award level 3 in the Pentathlon on 20th November 2022!
20th September 2022
This pet won award level 3 in the Pentathlon on 20th September 2022!
20th August 2022
This pet won award level 3 in the Pentathlon on 20th August 2022!
20th July 2022
This pet won award level 3 in the Pentathlon on 20th July 2022!

Karli's 'Power Pets' achievements:


20th December 2022

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Event Wins. Link

5th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

20th November 2022

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Event Wins. Link

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Bravery. Link

5th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

20th October 2022

5th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

20th September 2022

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

20th August 2022

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

5th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

4th place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

20th July 2022

3rd place in The Quarter Mile:Bravery. Link

2nd place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

20th June 2022

4th place in The Quarter Mile:Bravery. Link

20th July 2021

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Event Wins. Link

20th June 2021

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

5th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

4th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

20th May 2021

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

20th April 2021

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

2nd place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

20th March 2021

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

20th January 2021

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

20th December 2020

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

20th August 2020

4th place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

1st place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

20th March 2020

4th place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

5th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

3rd place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

20th February 2020

6th place in The Quarter Mile:Form. Link

3rd place in The Quarter Mile:Challenges. Link

20th January 2020

7th place in The Quarter Mile:Champions. Link

This pet was your first pet to Totally Own the Champion pet at The Quarter Mile! Link

Karli's other achievements

This pet enjoyed a Halloween adventure onOctober 15th 2024!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet maxed out on gingerbread on December 17th 2022!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet went for an Australian Walkabout on November 9th 2022!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet met exotic animals on August 27th 2022!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet swam in the love on February 14th 2022!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet went shopping on August 20th 2021!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet explored Italy on August 7th 2021!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet explored the British Isles on April 14th 2021!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet revived Rock & Roll on February 28th 2021!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet celebrated a Tropical Christmas on January 7th 2021!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet disagreed with its food on March 29th 2020!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet found the meaning of Christmas on December 29th 2019!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet saved the muffins (and the bats) on October 21st 2019!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet fought for fair competitions in the Fast and the Furriest, on July 30th 2019!

Click the image to view the details!

Karli lives here!

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