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Julia Lane
& Sapphire


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This pet is the greeter!
Sapphire the Blue Baby Rhino (female)
Birthday: 2024-07-11 Adopted: 2024-07-11.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Deflated)

Best: 0 hits

Your challenger!

How do you stop a rhino from charging? Take away his power cord! Ha! Ha! Ha! I bet you thought I was going to say “Credit Card”. Well, that’s true too, I would be lost without my card, I do love to shop. But more than than I love to tell jokes. What’s as big as a rhino but weighs nothing? His shadow! All I need now is a gig at the Comedy Cellar in grand New York City! I can close my eyes and see my name in lights, and hear the thundering applause of my audiences! Oh, wait, that’ mom coming to scold me again for not taking out the garbage… But one more before I do my chores! What do you get if you cross an elephant with a rhino? Eliphino! Get it? LOL! Ok, here’s mom, time to go!

I know, I know, you're supposed to stand for an ovation, but sitting here looking as cute as a button after my comedy set is all I can manage. Did you hear the loud guffaws? Giggles and chuckles? I think I may have really hit my stride!

After a long night of comedy clubs, a baby needs a nap! Telling jokes and making people laugh is a fun business, but oh my! The late nights are long and full of glam and glitter, but now *yawn* it's time to catch some zzzzz's.

Sapphire's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1000
Level 10

This pet has not made any achievements yet.

Sapphire lives here!

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