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Jenni Paske
& Vanellope


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This pet is the greeter!
Vanellope the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow (female)
Birthday: 2024-06-12 Adopted: 2024-06-12.

Skill: 2920 (Novice)

Mood: 20000 (Moon-bound)

Best: 2757.30 metres

Your challenger!

I'm a Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. 'Vanilla' isn't my name, it's the taste of my milkshakes; each of us cows makes a unique kind of milk by which we are known.

With four stomachs, it's not surprising food is at the centre of my life! To me, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I grow breakfast cereals with my sisters Strawberry and Chocolate, then provide the milk you eat them with.

I love wandering round the fields with friends like mole, rabbit and horse. But I am frightened of dogs, some of them like to chase my sisters and boss us about. Oh, gotta go, it's milking time!

Vanellope's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1068
Best: 1272
Level 248

This pet has not made any achievements yet.

Vanellope lives here!

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