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Departing Friends

"ALL ABOARD!!! FINAL CALL FOR BOARDING THE PnF TRAIN!!!!" Eight NPCs scramble to get on the train before it leaves for their new adventures. Kaida gets her camera ready to take some photos of her dear friends that she can put into her scrapbook. Scaly monster runs to the train - someone forgot their suitcase!!! scaredy cat - he looks on at his longtime friends as they prepare for their departure and wonders what will be waiting for all of them when they reach their final destinations. he also wonders who the new NPCs will be and when will they arrive. there are so many questions. he's happy that his friends have been given this opportunity to explore new things, but he's going to miss them. he's ready to go home where he can be alone with his thoughts.

this week - we're all saying farewell to eight of our NPCs - your challenge is to tell us where they're going. are there plans to go back to school to get a fancy degree? maybe a trip around the world is in the works. could it be that one or more of them have plans for a big career change? it's up to you to share what you think is next for them as they head off into parts unknown.

to see who is leaving and who is staying - click here to go to the character page - then click each npc to see what's happening for them.

for your participation, you will receive.....

here's the basics:
you must submit your art to the pnf art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* put "Departing Friends" in the title or description
* the entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* to vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* voting will be open immediately
* this challenge will be open from now until around 1:00am GMT september 27th (around 8:00pm tuesday night in the USA).
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