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Uncle Robert explains
Competition: Design a Belgian Waffle
Your challenge for this Travel Game: create an artwork of a meal or snack based on a Belgian waffle!
The USA loves its waffles. In this way it is very akin to Belgium, where waffle-making is taken very seriously—or even very light-heartedly—and the humble waffle is a staple of street food vendors. There is a long-standing rivalry between Brussels and Liège as to which city produces better waffles!

To celebrate our short Travel Game around three cities in beautiful Belgium, you are invited to design a Belgian waffle snack with toppings of your choice. It may be savoury or sweet. It can be for breakfast or a dessert. You can make it a four-tier splendour or a simple single waffle. The only limit is your imagination! See my post on the Game of Pets 'n' Friends page on Facebook for more details.
Posting your entry
Your entry should created, given the title "Belgian waffle competition" and saved within your family pages (it needn’t be on the home page) and then a LINK to your entry should be posted in the Comments on my NPC home page.
This is ever so slightly complicated, so please bear with me while I explain! To post the link of your picture, right-click your artwork and then left-click Copy Image Link. Then come back to this page, click on Comment, and paste the image link in the box. It will look something like this:

Next, select the:

Replace it with: [ img] but omit the space.

Next, position the cursor at the end of platformNo=1 and immediately after it, type: [ /img] but again omit the space.

Our example above would thus look like this:

[ img]/image.edit/images/IDF_Image.php?source=1666768669&id=19&platformNo=1[ /img]

(Except there must be no space after the [ at the start and the /img at the end.)
You can type in a description of your waffle picture, i.e. what toppings you have used, above this line, and the description will appear right above your image.
Click Post, and your picture will be displayed. You have until the end of the Belgian Travel Game, i.e. 19 June, to submit your artwork, after which, I will choose the piece of art I like best and award a small prize.
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