When logged in, you should see your icon on the right of our toolbar,
and to the right of it, a 'down' arrow. Clicking this arrow opens the 'account' menu.
Clicking this means you become a 'guest' on the 'stand alone' site.
(If you are logged in on Facebook you will still be logged in to the Facebook version of the app).
This makes sense after using a computer or mobile device which does not belong to you,
or if you share use of your computer with someone else.
The "Login" button will appear in place of your icon and the account menu button.
This controls how your identity appears in the game.
- At the top right of the toolbar (for you only).
- On your own page.
- In visitor lists.
- On the 'New users' page.
- Anywhere else your username or icon appear.
App friends
This opens a new tab in which you can see your in-game friends list.
App account
This presents you with the option to delete your account
or change your id number (as used in the game).
The latter enables you to carry on playing the game
whilst disappearing from those you want to avoid
and remaining known only to those you invite into your new friends list.
It's an extreme measure we hope you will never have to use,
but it works and is better than losing the good friends you have.
You have the same username and password for the MSP forum and our Stand Alone Site.
You login to them separately, but the details are the same.
This tab allows you to change your username ONCE,
after which you can only change it by asking the PnF Facebook group (Game of Pets 'n' Friends) moderators to do it for you.
When you first create an account, this tab will show your temporary password.
Once you have changed it, this will no longer be shown.
You can change your password as often as you want.
If you forget it, IM one of the moderators in the PnF Facebook group (Game of Pets 'n' Friends),
which will prove your Facebook identity and enable them to reset your password for you.
This page controls your privacy settings in the app and your settings on the MSP forum.
New icon
Upload an icon for use in the forum.
This icon can if you wish also be used to identify you in the game -
see 'Use forum id', above.
The Site Switcher
Since Pets 'n' Friends can currently be played only on this stand alone site or Facebook,
we provide a link from the stand alone site to each equivalent Facebook app page.
Because Facebook is the only other option, we show you a Facebook icon in our toolbar to get you there.
If in future we add further options for playing PnF, the site switcher will show those other options as well.
You may wonder why the site switcher is not present on Facebook; why we do not link back to stand alone from Facebook?
The answer is that Facebook requires developers not to link out to their 'portal' sites from their Facebook apps,
or to mention them in their Facebook apps in any way. So we don't, and the site switcher is therefore a one-way street.
Lost passwords
If you have registered by email, you can use the MSP forum to reset your password.
Click the "Login" button, then click the "RESET PASSWORD" button.
This takes you to the MSP forum password reset facility.
You will then be able to change your password by email.
If you registered through Facebook, we will not have a record of your email address.
In that case, please IM one of the PnF Facebook group (Game of Pets 'n' Friends) moderators and ask them for help
(this will prove your Facebook identity). They can then reset your password for you.