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Taylan Alper
& sunny


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sunny the Snow Cheerling (female)
Birthday: 2018-12-29 Adopted: 2018-12-29.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 700 (Garrulous)

Best: 8400 points

Born from the glacial ice where the snow never melts;
Camouflaged from sight wearing icy blue pelts.

Exists a new race of Cheerlings just waiting to play,
In the Antarctic summers of perpetual day!

Only the privileged will ever get to see them cavort,
In cold dry Antarctic valleys, where they take their sport.

But when the fierce katabatic winds proceed to blow,
These Cheerlings must retreat, into the stony bedrock below!

sunny's Skills

Find Food

Skill: 30618
Best: 39677
Level 2418866

This pet won 12th place in Words with Pets:Bravery in the PnF Games 2024!

sunny's other achievements

This pet travelled Alaska on September 4th 2024!

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This pet enjoyed the show on December 4th 2021!

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This pet got scared at the Fayre on October 22nd 2021!

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This pet returned safely from the beanstalk on May 21st 2021!

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This pet celebrated a Tropical Christmas on December 29th 2020!

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This pet got enchanted by Halloween on October 29th 2020!

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This pet completed an Underwater Adventure on August 10th 2020!

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This pet disagreed with its food on March 25th 2020!

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This pet brought back the colour to PnF on April 29th 2019!

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sunny lives here!

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