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 44 finds.
Icicle Curtain

(Lyuba continues) Then the blue ice troll left. I had nothing to look at but the icicles.

102611 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 75

Gold sales
7 GM on 6 Jan 2024 00:397 GM on 2 Sep 2023 16:3750 GM on 1 Feb 2023 23:10

buy for 6000

Silver sales
600 SM on 2 Sep 2023 16:37600 SM on 2 Sep 2023 16:202000 SM on 21 May 2017 20:39

Icicle Cave

(Lyuba continues) The Blue Ice Troll took me back to his cave. Even the walls were covered with ice!

102613 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 75

Gold sales
50 GM on 1 Feb 2023 23:0910 GM on 22 May 2019 02:1410 GM on 20 Feb 2019 12:34

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A Few Thin Icicles

(Lyuba continues) Slowly, the icicles became thinner.

102621 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 33

Gold sales
5 GM on 28 Apr 2021 02:021 GM on 5 Apr 2021 20:411 GM on 5 Apr 2021 20:41

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Silver sales
50 SM on 5 Apr 2021 20:4150 SM on 18 Jun 2020 00:03100 SM on 22 May 2019 11:54

Lots Of Thin Icicles

(Lyuba continues) I realised the icicles were slowly melting. Perhaps this cave was becoming too warm for the blue ice troll, and he was not going to come back.

102622 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 25

Gold sales
25 GM on 26 Jan 2022 20:321 GM on 2 Dec 2020 12:541 GM on 1 May 2020 16:35

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Silver sales
50 SM on 5 Apr 2021 20:4050 SM on 18 Jun 2020 00:03100 SM on 22 May 2019 02:15

Thick Icicles

(Lyuba continues) At first all the icicles were thick. They must have been there a long time,

102623 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 25

Gold sales
25 GM on 26 Jan 2022 20:325 GM on 3 Oct 2021 21:105 GM on 3 Oct 2021 21:10

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Silver sales
50 SM on 18 Jun 2020 00:03100 SM on 22 May 2019 02:16100 SM on 22 May 2019 02:16

Snowball 1

Lyuba the Mammoth loves rolling snowballs with her trunk!

102625 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:581 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:581 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:58

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Silver sales
10 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:1810 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:1810 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:18

Snowball 2

Lyuba the Mammoth loves rolling snowballs with her trunk!

102626 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:591 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:591 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:59

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Silver sales
50 SM on 13 Jan 2022 18:06100 SM on 5 Jun 2021 00:18100 SM on 6 Apr 2021 18:02

Snowball 3

Lyuba the Mammoth loves rolling snowballs with her trunk!

102627 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:591 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:591 GM on 18 Oct 2022 12:59

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Silver sales
10 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:1710 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:1710 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:17

Blue Ice Troll

(Lyuba continues) I was found by a Blue Ice Troll. He wasn't frozen this way, he is like this all the time! So naturally he thought I did not need to be defrosted. But he was puzzled why I did not move around, as he did.

102977 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 49

Gold sales
10 GM on 17 Nov 2022 11:5415 GM on 10 Oct 2022 10:5448 GM on 25 Jul 2022 01:39

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Silver sales
1000 SM on 1 Apr 2024 22:352000 SM on 11 Dec 2021 20:20

Blue Ice Troll

(Lyuba continues) I was found by a Blue Ice Troll. He wasn't frozen this way, he is like this all the time! So naturally he thought I did not need to be defrosted. But he was puzzled why I did not move around, as he did.

102977 Size 10.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 20

Gold sales
21 GM on 13 Jun 2021 22:1321 GM on 7 Sep 2020 00:1320 GM on 22 May 2019 02:15

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Blue Ice Troll

(Lyuba continues) I was found by a Blue Ice Troll. He wasn't frozen this way, he is like this all the time! So naturally he thought I did not need to be defrosted. But he was puzzled why I did not move around, as he did.

102977 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Oct 2022 17:041 GM on 7 Nov 2021 04:261 GM on 7 Nov 2021 04:26

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Silver sales
500 SM on 21 Aug 2018 03:534 SM on 23 Jun 2018 19:40500 SM on 21 Sep 2017 19:53

Blue Ice Troll

(Lyuba continues) I was found by a Blue Ice Troll. He wasn't frozen this way, he is like this all the time! So naturally he thought I did not need to be defrosted. But he was puzzled why I did not move around, as he did.

102977 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 2

Gold sales
3 GM on 29 Jan 2017 02:192 GM on 16 Nov 2016 12:181 GM on 4 Sep 2016 01:20

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Silver sales
25 SM on 20 Aug 2021 00:0825 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4925 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:49

White Ice Border

(Lyuba continues) At last the ice covering me began to melt, too! I could peep out of a gap in the ice crystals. They could not melt quickly enough for me!

102980 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 30

Gold sales
12 GM on 27 Jan 2024 20:3510 GM on 12 Dec 2021 21:4810 GM on 12 Dec 2021 21:48

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Blue Ice Border

(Lyuba continues) Then the ice covering me began to go watery! Then finally I was free. I never saw the blue ice troll again, and his sculpture had melted. I hope he did not melt, too ---

102981 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 8

Gold sales
10 GM on 4 Feb 2021 08:009 GM on 4 Feb 2021 07:5915 GM on 26 Jul 2019 16:49

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Silver sales
499 SM on 17 May 2016 12:48

Ice Troll Sculpture

(Lyuba continues) He was puzzled, because though I appeared to be made of ice, I did not move around. So he made a model of himself using ice, and found that it did not move around either. But unlike him or me, it was transparent right through.

102982 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 26th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 47

Gold sales
25 GM on 26 Jan 2022 20:3320 GM on 22 May 2019 02:1420 GM on 22 May 2019 02:14

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Icicle Border

(Lyuba continues) The blue ice troll looked at the sculpture of himself and at my frozen self for a long time. Then he turned me to face the cave entrance, which was overhung with icicles.

102979 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 19th Apr 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 30

Gold sales
20 GM on 3 Sep 2022 16:0520 GM on 26 Jan 2022 20:3320 GM on 25 Oct 2021 19:04

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Silver sales
1000 SM on 13 Jan 2022 18:06

Balancing Mammoth

Ice Age IV: Then I realised sitting on ice was freezing my behind, so I got up and hopped about to keep my feet off the cold ice. I began to give up hope there would be anywhere warmer, anywhere without snow.

102604 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 75

Gold sales
75 GM on 8 Apr 2023 17:0275 GM on 2 Mar 2023 01:5350 GM on 1 Sep 2022 14:15

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No sales have been made for SM.

Balancing Mammoth

Ice Age IV: Then I realised sitting on ice was freezing my behind, so I got up and hopped about to keep my feet off the cold ice. I began to give up hope there would be anywhere warmer, anywhere without snow.

102604 Size 10.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 150

Gold sales
100 GM on 20 Jan 2021 20:3650 GM on 14 Feb 2020 19:5610 GM on 21 May 2019 21:54

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No sales have been made for SM.

Balancing Mammoth

Ice Age IV: Then I realised sitting on ice was freezing my behind, so I got up and hopped about to keep my feet off the cold ice. I began to give up hope there would be anywhere warmer, anywhere without snow.

102604 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 4

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Apr 2021 20:361 GM on 3 Apr 2018 05:521 GM on 3 Apr 2018 05:52

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Silver sales
299 SM on 3 Jan 2016 05:20

Balancing Mammoth

Ice Age IV: Then I realised sitting on ice was freezing my behind, so I got up and hopped about to keep my feet off the cold ice. I began to give up hope there would be anywhere warmer, anywhere without snow.

102604 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 4

Gold sales
1 GM on 31 May 2016 05:301 GM on 31 May 2016 05:30

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Silver sales
30 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4830 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4830 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:47

Frozen Mammoth

Ice Age V: Nevertheless, I just had to sit down again. And then, just like my mother warned me, the wind changed and I was stuck with this expression forever. Or at least until you thaw me out!

102605 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 49

Gold sales
5 GM on 22 Dec 2023 23:0230 GM on 2 Mar 2023 01:5425 GM on 14 Jan 2022 19:04

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No sales have been made for SM.

Frozen Mammoth

Ice Age V: Nevertheless, I just had to sit down again. And then, just like my mother warned me, the wind changed and I was stuck with this expression forever. Or at least until you thaw me out!

102605 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 35

Gold sales
30 GM on 26 Jan 2022 20:3329 GM on 16 Mar 2021 01:2728 GM on 21 Jan 2021 02:39

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Silver sales
130 SM on 7 Apr 2016 18:42

Frozen Mammoth

Ice Age V: Nevertheless, I just had to sit down again. And then, just like my mother warned me, the wind changed and I was stuck with this expression forever. Or at least until you thaw me out!

102605 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 3

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Apr 2021 20:364 GM on 25 Mar 2021 20:374 GM on 22 Oct 2020 22:39

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Silver sales
100 SM on 22 Jan 2024 10:15800 SM on 21 Jan 2021 02:39

Frozen Mammoth

Ice Age V: Nevertheless, I just had to sit down again. And then, just like my mother warned me, the wind changed and I was stuck with this expression forever. Or at least until you thaw me out!

102605 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
4 GM on 29 Jan 2017 02:198 GM on 8 Nov 2015 05:1110 GM on 30 Sep 2015 23:50

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Silver sales
15 SM on 29 Sep 2020 04:0715 SM on 29 Sep 2020 04:0715 SM on 29 Sep 2020 04:07

Mammoth Ice Sculpture

Ice Age IX: Oh dear! Now I have landed on another ice planet where everyone thinks I am supposed to be like this!

102606 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 49

Gold sales
5 GM on 22 Dec 2023 23:0245 GM on 2 Mar 2023 01:5415 GM on 25 Aug 2022 12:26

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No sales have been made for SM.

Mammoth Ice Sculpture

Ice Age IX: Oh dear! Now I have landed on another ice planet where everyone thinks I am supposed to be like this!

102606 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 35

Gold sales
35 GM on 16 Mar 2021 01:278 GM on 9 Sep 2020 10:308 GM on 9 Sep 2020 10:30

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No sales have been made for SM.

Mammoth Ice Sculpture

Ice Age IX: Oh dear! Now I have landed on another ice planet where everyone thinks I am supposed to be like this!

102606 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 10

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Apr 2021 20:3510 GM on 24 Mar 2021 20:195 GM on 28 Oct 2018 22:48

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Silver sales
100 SM on 30 Jul 2016 19:26100 SM on 30 Jul 2016 19:26100 SM on 30 Jul 2016 19:26

Mammoth Ice Sculpture

Ice Age IX: Oh dear! Now I have landed on another ice planet where everyone thinks I am supposed to be like this!

102606 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 3 Apr 2020 03:492 GM on 7 Jan 2016 18:402 GM on 25 Nov 2015 13:25

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Silver sales
45 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4745 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4745 SM on 9 Feb 2017 19:31

Sitting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age III: After all that trotting around, I was worn out, so I just had to sit down for a while. That's why Nebraska is so flat in your time!

102608 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 200

Gold sales
150 GM on 2 Mar 2023 06:0722 GM on 9 Oct 2020 01:16299 GM on 23 Feb 2020 19:18

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Sitting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age III: After all that trotting around, I was worn out, so I just had to sit down for a while. That's why Nebraska is so flat in your time!

102608 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 80

Gold sales
99 GM on 8 Apr 2023 17:0299 GM on 16 Mar 2021 01:2775 GM on 21 Jan 2021 02:38

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Sitting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age III: After all that trotting around, I was worn out, so I just had to sit down for a while. That's why Nebraska is so flat in your time!

102608 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 7 Sep 2024 19:291 GM on 7 Sep 2024 19:281 GM on 30 May 2021 23:25

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Silver sales
300 SM on 31 Oct 2017 07:48299 SM on 4 Nov 2015 22:40

Sitting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age III: After all that trotting around, I was worn out, so I just had to sit down for a while. That's why Nebraska is so flat in your time!

102608 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 31 Aug 2016 02:001 GM on 31 Aug 2016 02:001 GM on 31 Aug 2016 02:00

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Silver sales
22 SM on 20 Feb 2019 13:3622 SM on 20 Feb 2019 13:3635 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:47

Trotting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age II: I was concerned when I saw the glaciers coming, so I broke into a trot. Going south for the winter is hard work! In the PnF Ice Age, the only place you can stay warm is Florida!

102609 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 250

Gold sales
150 GM on 2 Mar 2023 06:0735 GM on 14 Jan 2022 19:0430 GM on 6 Nov 2021 12:13

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Trotting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age II: I was concerned when I saw the glaciers coming, so I broke into a trot. Going south for the winter is hard work! In the PnF Ice Age, the only place you can stay warm is Florida!

102609 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 80

Gold sales
150 GM on 8 Apr 2023 17:0270 GM on 21 Jan 2021 02:3869 GM on 20 Jan 2021 20:36

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Trotting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age II: I was concerned when I saw the glaciers coming, so I broke into a trot. Going south for the winter is hard work! In the PnF Ice Age, the only place you can stay warm is Florida!

102609 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 14

Gold sales
1 GM on 6 Nov 2021 12:121 GM on 6 Nov 2021 12:121 GM on 6 Nov 2021 12:12

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Silver sales
300 SM on 20 Feb 2016 04:40

Trotting Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age II: I was concerned when I saw the glaciers coming, so I broke into a trot. Going south for the winter is hard work! In the PnF Ice Age, the only place you can stay warm is Florida!

102609 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 31 Aug 2016 02:001 GM on 31 Aug 2016 02:001 GM on 31 Aug 2016 02:00

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Silver sales
50 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4750 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:4750 SM on 9 Feb 2017 19:31

Walking Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age I: Hi! I'm Lyuba, a mammoth mammoth, one of the biggest mammoths there ever was. Come along with me and I'll explain how the Ice Age affects us all! The first thing it did was cause me to grow little ears (to avoid frostbite) and this thick woolly coat. No, you can't borrow it!

102610 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
No offers for

Gold sales
300 GM on 8 Apr 2023 17:02299 GM on 2 Mar 2023 06:0680 GM on 7 Aug 2019 03:59

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Here's how to get one.

Walking Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age I: Hi! I'm Lyuba, a mammoth mammoth, one of the biggest mammoths there ever was. Come along with me and I'll explain how the Ice Age affects us all! The first thing it did was cause me to grow little ears (to avoid frostbite) and this thick woolly coat. No, you can't borrow it!

102610 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 349

Gold sales
150 GM on 11 Feb 2020 08:3975 GM on 5 Oct 2019 01:4210 GM on 21 May 2019 21:53

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Walking Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age I: Hi! I'm Lyuba, a mammoth mammoth, one of the biggest mammoths there ever was. Come along with me and I'll explain how the Ice Age affects us all! The first thing it did was cause me to grow little ears (to avoid frostbite) and this thick woolly coat. No, you can't borrow it!

102610 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
5 GM on 23 Jun 2024 22:146 GM on 22 Jul 2021 03:511 GM on 5 Apr 2021 20:36

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Walking Mammoth

(This pose required in sizes 10 or FULL for adoption.)
Ice Age I: Hi! I'm Lyuba, a mammoth mammoth, one of the biggest mammoths there ever was. Come along with me and I'll explain how the Ice Age affects us all! The first thing it did was cause me to grow little ears (to avoid frostbite) and this thick woolly coat. No, you can't borrow it!

102610 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
2 GM on 10 Nov 2017 10:201 GM on 31 Aug 2016 01:591 GM on 31 Aug 2016 01:59

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Silver sales
1 SM on 6 Sep 2022 22:1150 SM on 18 May 2020 00:1835 SM on 9 Feb 2017 23:46

Ice Planet 2

Ice Age VII: Intrepid creatures planned to leave their doomed world in hunks of the very thing which doomed it - ice! Floating through space to one day find a warmer world where they would naturally thaw out and make new friends in warmer climes. Nothing could be worse than freezing to death together.

102945 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 24

Gold sales
1 GM on 7 Sep 2024 19:281 GM on 7 Sep 2024 19:281 GM on 10 May 2021 14:34

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Silver sales
210 SM on 7 Apr 2016 18:45500 SM on 15 Dec 2015 00:20

Ice Planet 3

Ice Age VIII: But as the frozen spaceships drew closer to their new home world, the barely conscious astropets got the worst news they could imagine ---

102946 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 23

Gold sales
1 GM on 7 Sep 2024 19:281 GM on 7 Sep 2024 19:281 GM on 10 May 2021 14:34

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Silver sales
209 SM on 7 Apr 2016 18:45

Ice Planet 1

Ice Age VI: The planet was wholly covered over with ice. Nothing to eat, nothing alive but a few shivering creatures and nothing to use for any purpose but --- ice.

102947 FULL SIZE.
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Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 9th Mar 2015
To 25th May 2015
Limited edition
buy for 10

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 May 2021 14:3450 GM on 30 Apr 2020 05:567 GM on 27 Oct 2018 01:11

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Silver sales
100 SM on 30 Jan 2022 23:07100 SM on 30 Jan 2022 22:53

1st 100 Directory Members Award

A special award given FREE to each of the first 100 Directory members. No more will ever be made or sold;only 100 of these exist.

Other awards will be given to Directory members at other milestone membership numbers, so if you haven't joined the Directory yet, join NOW!

102475 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Ice Age
Directory rewards!
From 19th Oct 2014
To 21st Oct 2014
Limited edition
buy for 295

Gold sales
100 GM on 17 Aug 2022 11:51100 GM on 13 May 2021 11:56499 GM on 18 Sep 2020 04:09

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

 44 finds.
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