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 353 finds.
What the well-dressed dragon is wearing!

There are many qualities attributed to dragon scales. They are said to shatter any weapon, and their flat, overlapping design means missiles merely slide off. The scales are fireproof. They are long, but move easily with the dragon's muscles. Some breeds of dragon have pigment cells in their scales that allow them to change colour for camouflage. Oh, to be a dragon!

117127 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th May 2024

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Stripes and Style

116901 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 4th May 2024

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Beneficial Lavender

In aromatherapy, essential oil of lavender is considered one of the most sought after for use. It is reputed to be beneficial for stress as it aids relaxation. In cosmetic and skincare preparations, lavender essential oil is often utilised for its pleasant aroma but also for its many benefits for the skin. Lavender can also help you keep a shiny, thick, glossy and healthy head of hair!

116803 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 5th Apr 2024

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Glass Vial of Essential Oil

Essential oils are made from natural products, such as flower petals. The oils are used in massage or for inhalation, and have a wide variety of benefits.

116839 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 5th Apr 2024

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Sur le Pont de Paris

116472 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 19th Jan 2024

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Purple Snowboard

Snowboarding is a newer sport. Instead of two separate skis, a single large board is used. It might feel a lot like surfing, and balance would be important. These brightly painted snowboards are waiting for you if you want to try something different on a winter day.

116314 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jan 2024

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Purple Ice Wall

Deep in the PnF Arctic Tundra, amid frozen ground where no trees grow, Pets have learned to adapt to their environment, carving grandiose homes, castles and furniture from blocks of ice. Purple ice comes from areas of the PnF Arctic Tundra where the ground runs rich with manganese. Flamboyant Pet Families that appreciate glamour will construct their homes from purple ice!

102818 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Jan 2024

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Purple Ice Room

Deep in the PnF Arctic Tundra, amid frozen ground where no trees grow, Pets have learned to adapt to their environment, carving grandiose homes, castles and furniture from blocks of ice. Purple ice comes from areas of the PnF Arctic Tundra where the ground runs rich with manganese. Flamboyant Pet Families that appreciate glamour will construct their homes from purple ice!

102819 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Jan 2024

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Sun Loving Beach Kitty, Blue Surfboard

This brand-new surfboard with gorgeous summer flowers painted on the surface is a hot-selling item. If your pet wants to be daring and catch a ride on a wave, this is surely a must-have.

115745 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2023

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Sun Loving Beach Kitty, Purple Towel

Don’t forget your towel! In almost all situations a towel is a handy item to have and no more so than when going to the beach. Your pet can lay on it, to prevent sand from sticking all over their fur or feathers, you can use the towel to dry off after a dip in the water, and you can even make a sun shade if you can find a stick on the beach.

115746 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2023

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This Rare Earth - Laser/Fluorescence/Phosphor - Map

There are 17 metallic elements that make up the rare earths. You will find them, with the atomic numbers 21, 39, and 57–71, in the middle of the periodic table. These metals have unusual fluorescent, phosphorescent, conductive and magnetic properties—which make them very useful when alloyed, or mixed, in small quantities with less uncommon metals, such as iron.

115502 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 23rd Jun 2023

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Purple and Gold Aurora

Auroras occur when charged particles (electrons and protons) collide with gases in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Those collisions produce tiny flashes that fill the sky with colourful light. As billions of flashes occur in sequence, the auroras appear to move or dance in the sky.

115432 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 21st Jun 2023

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Purple Dot

One of the most versatile of the shapes, I can be almost anything you want - a full stop, a ball to play with, a berry, a coloured light, part of an eye... the list is endless!

104981 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Bright Violet Cutout

Simple, classic and elegant, I work as a frame for artwork, a colour mask, or a mount within an outer frame.

104985 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Heart

I'm a heart - what's not to love? Obviously I'm essential for your Valentine scenes, but there's so much more to me than that. You need me to play cards, for instance. Turn me upside down and add a vertical line to make the spade, and make the diamond by overlapping two of me, one upside down. The only suit I can't make is the club. Clever, eh?

104999 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Diagonal Line

When you need to draw the line, I'm always ready to assist. Use me on my own or with my friends as part of a border or more complicated structure; very few shapes are more versatile than I am.

105007 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Line

When you need to draw the line, I'm always ready to assist. Use me on my own or with my friends as part of a border or more complicated structure; very few shapes are more versatile than I am.

105015 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Bright Violet Oval

I am happy to join my shape friends. I am an oval, a slightly squashed version of a circle. I don’t roll well, but I make great cat eyes. You can use me to create eggs or holes in the ground, be careful you don’t fall in. I am also great as a plate; you can decorate me around the edges or the middle and place yummy treats on me. Play with me, and pair me with other shapes to make your art slides fun and unique.

105021 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Oval

I am happy to join my shape friends. I am an oval, a slightly squashed version of a circle. I don’t roll well, but I make great cat eyes. You can use me to create eggs or holes in the ground, be careful you don’t fall in. I am also great as a plate; you can decorate me around the edges or the middle and place yummy treats on me. Play with me, and pair me with other shapes to make your art slides fun and unique.

105035 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Bright Purple Pentagon

I am jumping in to join my shape friends. Don’t I look terrific? I am a pentagon, and I have five sides and five corners. Your pets can have so much fun fitting me together to form unusual art. A single pentagon looks like the silhouette of a barn or house. Put a few of me together, and I make good paving stones or wall decorations. Play around with me and see what new animals or fun buildings you can create.

105042 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Pentagon

I am jumping in to join my shape friends. Don’t I look terrific? I am a pentagon, and I have five sides and five corners. Your pets can have so much fun fitting me together to form unusual art. A single pentagon looks like the silhouette of a barn or house. Put a few of me together, and I make good paving stones or wall decorations. Play around with me and see what new animals or fun buildings you can create.

105056 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Bright Violet Puzzle Piece, Second Set

We have puzzle shapes, but I have come to join in the fun as they were a bit lonely with no connecting puzzle pieces to join up with. Now you can finish a whole puzzle. When you are done having fun joining me up with my pals, you and your pets can decide on what picture should be on me if you want a picture.

105084 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Puzzle Piece, Second Set

We have puzzle shapes, but I have come to join in the fun as they were a bit lonely with no connecting puzzle pieces to join up with. Now you can finish a whole puzzle. When you are done having fun joining me up with my pals, you and your pets can decide on what picture should be on me if you want a picture.

105098 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Rectangle

You can, of course, also use any of the plain coloured backgrounds as a rectangle, but I still have my place; my proportions are different. I'm somewhere between the background rectangle and the square. Because, you know, not all rectangles are equal.

105107 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Square

Yes, I'm a square, but I'm not as square as you might think! I'm actually very cool and some even call me hot. You see, some of my colours are 'cool' (green, blue and purple) and some are 'hot' (red, orange, and yellow). I am definitely the hippest square you have ever seen!

105115 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Star

I'm a five-pointed star, one of the more complex shapes the penguins make. Use me on my own or as part of a repeating pattern. I'm a particularly fun addition to the top of a Christmas tree or a piece of festive bunting.

105123 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Thick Line

Thin lines are great. Some of my best friends are thin lines. But for when you need something just a bit more substantial, I'm here to help. I may be plain and basic, but I'm as versatile as your imagination, and remember I come in the same shades as the plain backgrounds so you can also use me as a colour mask.

105131 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Triangle

I'm a neat equilateral triangle, perfect for all manner of artistic compositions. Take six of me and you can build a hexagon, either in a single colour or any scheme of your choice.

105139 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Purple Wheel

One of the world's earliest significant inventions, I'm now even more useful than I was when I was first thought of. I'm essential if you want to build your own transport, from a unicycle to a juggernaut. I think I look particularly good on a pram, though I do say so myself.

105147 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Jun 2023

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Needle With Violet Thread

I'm essential for all kinds of sewing and embroidery, and I come ready threaded so you don't strain your eyes. Perfect!

101287 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2022

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Feathers in the Rain

Look how the raindrops bead up and stream right off my feathers! And my fabulous colors make me stand out in a crowd, the big bold blue and magenta of the Big 80s! I was their inspiration, darling!

113787 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 22nd Aug 2022

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Don’t Leave Home Without It, Space Laser, Red Ray

Our recent visitors have gifted Petland with this handy apple slicing device. It slices and dices, and on the correct setting, it can even turn that apple into applesauce—sounds suspiciously like a commercial.
The Space Laser is small enough to carry with you, and it will be perfect for camping, as it can even light up that campfire. A comprehensive booklet accompanies the Space Laser with clear instructions about the different settings and uses. You can use the Space Laser to boil water, clear out weeds, unblock a drain, and of course, make applesauce. I have a feeling that this could make applesauce of many things.

A caution is printed in bold lettering. Never point the laser at anypet or person's eyes. A further caution is printed in large bold letters. This Space Laser is safe under normal use. It has many safety functions and has been crafted to rigorous Galactic standards; however, if you ever find yourself in a battle with some evil space being—intent on taking over the universe—there is a setting that will take care of that problem, should you choose to employ it, in effect turning that evil being into applesauce. All in all a very useful device, thanks to the visitors—I think

113837 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jul 2022

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Electrical Show

Bolts of energy, radiating light—flung downward from unseen hands—pierce the land.

113562 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 30th May 2022

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Gold crescent moons

This beautiful image in gold and purple shows crescent moons and stars, symbolic of the Islamic faith.

113115 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2022

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Purple Clamshell, Bottom

A lovely purple clamshell bottom, I am not sure where the occupant of this shell has gone too. Clamshells are so handy–you can use them to cut your bread and cheese. Did you bring some bread and cheese to the beach with you? You can also use the empty shell as a pretty storage box. Maybe, you know a pet who would love to use this shell as their bed. No matter how you use the clamshell, it is sure to make a big splash in your art.

112930 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Feb 2022

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Purple Clamshell Overlay

This purple overlay is the perfect addition to add an extra option when using the purple clamshell in your art slides. Any pets or items you place within the clamshell can be doubly secure when you add this overlay.

112932 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Feb 2022

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Purple Clamshell, Top

You can’t have a bottom without a top, so here is the top to the bottom. With this lovely scalloped clamshell top, you can complete your storage box and hide all sorts of trinkets from prying eyes.

112934 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Feb 2022

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Yes please! Delicious, delectable, slightly tart, slightly sweet. What more could you ask for? Rare small berries of the rose family, found in northern climates. You want to gather them to make jam but you cannot resist stuffing these pretty, juicy berries into your mouth. That jam may have to wait.

112677 Size 4.
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Sale began 1st Dec 2021
Sale ends 2nd Jan

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Yay! What a treat. Dances around holding a basket of one of nature's true delights. If you are looking for a burger that is not made of meat you should look no further. The earthy taste and dense texture is filled with umami. Stand by taste buds, ready, go.

112678 Size 4.
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Sale began 1st Dec 2021
Sale ends 2nd Jan

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Mountain Rescue Butterfly (Alert)

After the passing storm, a thick fog settles over my mountains. For those familiar with the many winding mountain paths, they know where and when to make camp and wait out the fog. Yet my mountains regularly call to travelling and adventurous pets, those who don't know the dangers the sudden fog can hide.

112055 FULL SIZE.
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Matches Weather Game items
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Always in the seasonal shop.

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Mountain Rescue Butterfly (Alert)

After the passing storm, a thick fog settles over my mountains. For those familiar with the many winding mountain paths, they know where and when to make camp and wait out the fog. Yet my mountains regularly call to travelling and adventurous pets, those who don't know the dangers the sudden fog can hide.

112055 Size 10.
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Matches Weather Game items
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Always in the seasonal shop.

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Mountain Rescue Butterfly (Alert)

After the passing storm, a thick fog settles over my mountains. For those familiar with the many winding mountain paths, they know where and when to make camp and wait out the fog. Yet my mountains regularly call to travelling and adventurous pets, those who don't know the dangers the sudden fog can hide.

112055 Size 7.
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Matches Weather Game items
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Always in the seasonal shop.

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Violet Chameleon Arm Overlay

Just a set of spare arms to help us hold on. Everyone should keep a spare set in their back pocket. You never know when they may come in handy.

112551 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Nov 2021

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Violet Chameleon Leg Overlay

Just a set of spare legs to help us hold on. Everyone should keep a spare set in their back pocket. You never know when they may come in handy.

112552 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Nov 2021

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Cerise Chameleon Leg Overlay

Just a set of spare legs to help us hold on. Everyone should keep a spare set in their back pocket. You never know when they may come in handy.

112554 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Nov 2021

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Carousel Purple and White Tent

The excitement crackles to life under the tent, where will you be riding off to now? The old west? Out into the desert? Only your imagination holds you back, but no matter where you're going, be sure to hold onto the reins!

112513 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Oct 2021

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Purple Panther Paw

Why, who wouldn't need an extra paw?

111811 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2021

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Purple Bubble House

In the fourth dimension, where new scenes, effects and decorations are sometimes formed by pressurised gases, bubbles are released into the air. Sometimes individually, and sometimes in large clusters. In many sizes, shapes and colours. It is understood that the prevailing season and weather conditions may influence the colouration, density and shapes of these formations, and that nothing stays the same…

101642 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jul 2021

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Glittering Violet Fish (chipper) Fin

"Get a grip" they say. "Hold on tight" they say. Well I say how do I do that with a set of fins?

111447 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Jul 2021

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Glittering Violet Fish (chipper) Fin with Scales

"Get a grip" they say. "Hold on tight" they say. Well I say how do I do that with a set of fins?

111448 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Jul 2021

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Bouquet Stems (Blue)

Perfect to add to any bouquet arrangement to equip it for placement in a vase or easier hand-holding.

110166 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jun 2021

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Multi Blue Eye Contacts Level

Gaze deeply in my eyes, how many colors do you see?

111524 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
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Introduced 20th May 2021
Subject to repricing

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Violet Eye Contacts Level

You know who had the most stunning violet eyes? Elizabeth Taylor, and now so can you! Just pop them in and enjoy a night out!

111526 FULL SIZE.
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Introduced 20th May 2021
Subject to repricing

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Stained Glass Mosaic

A wonderful mosaic of polished sea-glass chips in varying shades of purple, mauve, teal and black make this an amazingly attractive decorative piece!

102054 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Apr 2021

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Cityscape Sunset

After a long day all anypet wants is to curl up in their bed and drift off to sleep... If only the traffic outside would quiet down!

101655 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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Party Room (Digitized)

The dance floor is open and the EDM is pumping! All you need now are the guests to bring this party to the next level.

102387 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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Party Room (Designer)

Ready for any occasion, this party-room-for-hire can quickly be decorated with any colour scheme imaginable! ...What do you mean you can't paint over that?

102436 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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Parisian Cityscape (Purple)

The city, the food, the fashion! Museums and gardens, the Eiffel Tower, every day is a new way to understand what makes this city unforgettable. Adventure by light and settle in for a croissant and café au lait by night under the stars. To quote the iconic Audrey Hepburn, “Paris is always a good idea.”

102550 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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Think Pink!

In the language of flowers, pink tulips stand for affection, caring, good wishes and love. They are very versatile and popular spring plants, perfectly blending with cool-toned blues and purples on one end of the colour spectrum and reds and oranges on the other. When planting your tulip bulbs, choose a sunny spot in well-drained soil and plant around October or November time, before the first frosts hit.

111080 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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Purple Misty Clouds

An abstract resembling misty clouds... possibly on this planet, possibly on another.

100565 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jan 2021

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Purple Lips

Seal it with a kiss with this set of delicious-looking purple lips. MWAH!

110794 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jan 2021

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Salon Mirror

Catch a glimpse of the stylist in action as they work their magic on your new look.

110804 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jan 2021

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Story Book Font (Capital letters) gift bomb

100 letters in Scrabble quantities! E.g. 13 'E' and 1 'Q'. Save time getting the letters you need!
Plus 3 each of 0 to 9, and 3 each of 14 punctuation symbols. 172 items in total!
To open after buying, visit the Gift Bombs tab.

110336 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Arial White Lower Case letters gift bomb

100 letters in Scrabble quantities! E.g. 13 'E' and 1 'Q'. Save time getting the letters you need!
Plus 3 each of 0 to 9, and 3 each of 14 punctuation symbols. 172 items in total!
To open after buying, visit the Gift Bombs tab.

110338 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Pet’Pipes (Bagpipes)

Some may say ye love the pipes or ye don’t. I say if ye open up your lungs and enjoy a wee puckle o’the pet’pipes, yer gan tae be wantin’ tae share a nice warm bosie with the pet next tae ye in no time! Come on then, geez us a bosie!

103861 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Aug 2020

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Colourful Room

Calling all pets with a flair for design! Brightly splashed in hues of pink and salmon this room is begging for more. Pin up a picture here. Add a table and a plant there. The choices are limited only by your imagination. Bright and bold- bring it on!

109597 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2020

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Sunset Lagoon

Pets who brave travel to Raelli are often treated to the colourful sight at sunset beyond the tropical palms of the outlying islands. Vibrant hues of violet and shades of red are certain to delight.

101451 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th May 2020

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Leralai Cityscape

Travelling to a different location within Leralai one finds similar welcoming neighbourhoods. As the sun sets on the day do not forget to say hello and good night to your new friends you have met here.

101654 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th May 2020

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Dreamy Cove

Hidden in the mysterious depths of the Mirage Speckle lays this violet wonder of the world. It truly is a hidden treasure of the world that few know of and even fewer have ever seen.

109313 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th May 2020

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Soft Haze (Purple)

You rub your eyes awakening from your slumber, a brief glimmer of purple crosses your vision. Opening your eyes you fail to find the cause of the glimmer.

108884 FULL SIZE.
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Shown on:
Released 25th Apr 2020

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Tilted Soft Haze (Purple)

You rub your eyes awakening from your slumber, a brief glimmer of purple crosses your vision. Opening your eyes you fail to find the cause of the glimmer.

108890 FULL SIZE.
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Shown on:
Released 25th Apr 2020

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The Amethyst Collection (Recliner Overlay)

An amethyst-hued recliner overlay to help your pet feel safely ensconced in their plush contemporary furniture.

108896 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Apr 2020

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Amethyst Curtain with Tie-back

Made from natural fibers and dyed a rich amethyst color right here in PnF land, this fine quality curtain will dress your window in style. Its special weave acts as thermal protection against the chill in winter and the heat in summer.

108909 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Apr 2020

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Amethyst Curtain

Made from natural fibers and dyed a rich amethyst color right here in PnF land, this fine quality curtain will dress your window in style. Its special weave acts as thermal protection against the chill in winter and the heat in summer.

108910 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Apr 2020

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Purple Bike with Basket

Don’t confuse me with one of your leisurely riders, I’m a working bike, courier service here, at the beck and call of all things important needing to make it around the busy city. My legs are like bands of steel from all the pedaling!

108824 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 26th Mar 2020
Subject to repricing

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Purple Bike with Basket

Don’t confuse me with one of your leisurely riders, I’m a working bike, courier service here, at the beck and call of all things important needing to make it around the busy city. My legs are like bands of steel from all the pedaling!

108824 Size 10.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 26th Mar 2020
Subject to repricing

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Purple Bike with Basket

Don’t confuse me with one of your leisurely riders, I’m a working bike, courier service here, at the beck and call of all things important needing to make it around the busy city. My legs are like bands of steel from all the pedaling!

108824 Size 7.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 26th Mar 2020
Subject to repricing

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Violet Bike (Front)

Don’t confuse me with one of your leisurely riders, I’m a working bike, courier service here, at the beck and call of all things important needing to make it around the busy city. My legs are like bands of steel from all the pedaling!

108851 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 26th Mar 2020
Subject to repricing

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Violet Bike (Front)

Don’t confuse me with one of your leisurely riders, I’m a working bike, courier service here, at the beck and call of all things important needing to make it around the busy city. My legs are like bands of steel from all the pedaling!

108851 Size 10.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 26th Mar 2020
Subject to repricing

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Violet Bike (Front)

Don’t confuse me with one of your leisurely riders, I’m a working bike, courier service here, at the beck and call of all things important needing to make it around the busy city. My legs are like bands of steel from all the pedaling!

108851 Size 7.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 26th Mar 2020
Subject to repricing

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AF3500 Bow & Arrow

Well what did you expect? One cannot knock off an apple from 50 paces without a trusty bow and arrow. This sleek and sturdy purple version is guaranteed to do the job when placed in the paws of a skilled archer. With just the right training anyone *might* be as good as Archer Fox.

108248 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Mar 2020

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AF3500 Bow & Arrow Overlay

Just a little something to help you hold your grip a bit better.

108249 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Mar 2020

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Purple Floral Chair

This purple floral accent chair is the perfect chair for any room. Its pretty fabric brings the soothing beauty of the garden inside to help you relax after a long day, or a long night with the little ones. Grab a book and curl up; the comfy chair will take care of the rest.

108751 FULL SIZE.
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Released 25th Jan 2020

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Mauve Koala (Climbing)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108585 FULL SIZE.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Climbing)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108585 Size 10.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Climbing)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108585 Size 7.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Climbing)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108585 Size 4.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sitting)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108586 FULL SIZE.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sitting)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108586 Size 10.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sitting)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108586 Size 7.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sitting)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108586 Size 4.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sleeping)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108587 FULL SIZE.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sleeping)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108587 Size 10.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sleeping)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108587 Size 7.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Mauve Koala (Sleeping)

G’day mate! I ask you, how many cuddles can a koala bear? Well, this little koala can bear as many as you can dole out, and then some! Just plant a big old gum tree in the middle of your art page for tucker, with some leaf litter underneath it for me to frolic in, and you’ll have a friend for life! And if you happen to add a friend for me, there’ll be a joey in the pouch before you know it!

108587 Size 4.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Midnight Mauve Unicorn (Standing)

Standing atop the hillside here I can see dawn breaking in the distance. Soon my duties of the night will be complete for another day. I look down over the lands of PnF and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that yet again everypet is safe and secure; comfy and toasty and ready for a new day. I take my responsibilities very seriously as not many could do as I. It is a great honour that has been bestowed upon me and I intend to respect it. Sleep well PnF and enjoy the new day to come.

108594 FULL SIZE.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Midnight Mauve Unicorn (Standing)

Standing atop the hillside here I can see dawn breaking in the distance. Soon my duties of the night will be complete for another day. I look down over the lands of PnF and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that yet again everypet is safe and secure; comfy and toasty and ready for a new day. I take my responsibilities very seriously as not many could do as I. It is a great honour that has been bestowed upon me and I intend to respect it. Sleep well PnF and enjoy the new day to come.

108594 Size 10.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Midnight Mauve Unicorn (Standing)

Standing atop the hillside here I can see dawn breaking in the distance. Soon my duties of the night will be complete for another day. I look down over the lands of PnF and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that yet again everypet is safe and secure; comfy and toasty and ready for a new day. I take my responsibilities very seriously as not many could do as I. It is a great honour that has been bestowed upon me and I intend to respect it. Sleep well PnF and enjoy the new day to come.

108594 Size 7.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Midnight Mauve Unicorn (Standing)

Standing atop the hillside here I can see dawn breaking in the distance. Soon my duties of the night will be complete for another day. I look down over the lands of PnF and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that yet again everypet is safe and secure; comfy and toasty and ready for a new day. I take my responsibilities very seriously as not many could do as I. It is a great honour that has been bestowed upon me and I intend to respect it. Sleep well PnF and enjoy the new day to come.

108594 Size 4.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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Midnight Mauve Unicorn (Running)

As the sun goes down I come alive with speed and energy! Very few can keep up with me for I run and run and run spreading glitter everywhere I go. And to think people still question where the stars come from. As everyone else rests I keep them safe and secure checking up on them and keeping any ghosts at bay. Those mystical hooves you hear in your dreams, well, they just may be me pulling up your covers and tucking you in.

108595 FULL SIZE.
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Released 12th Dec 2019

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 353 finds.
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