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 4223 finds.
Gold Rush Train

In the late 19th century, rumours of gold in the Yukon attracted many eager to claim their ticket to fortune. The White Pass railroad was a days' long journey to the gateway to the gold fields: the Klondike. You can retrace the journey of those people long ago on this narrow gauge railroad passing through grand scenery.

117280 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Brown Alaskan Bear

A large brown bear stands poised on a sturdy tree branch, intently searching for any sign of its next meal, ready to pounce at the first glimpse of a salmon swimming upstream. This apex predator of the Alaskan wilderness, a true symbol of the rugged, untamed beauty of this northern landscape, commands an almost primal respect as it waits patiently, its immense size and raw, unbridled strength a testament to the incredible adaptations that have allowed it to thrive in this harsh, unforgiving environment. The bear's very presence is a reminder of the remarkable diversity of life that continues to flourish in the remote, pristine ecosystems of Alaska.

117300 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Alaskan Highway between Mountains

As the car winds its way along the snowy Alaskan highway, the driver is treated to a breathtaking panoramic vista on all sides. Towering, snow-capped mountains rise up majestically to leaden skies. The road itself is blanketed in a pristine layer of glistening white, the flakes crunching softly beneath the tyres with each passing mile.

117308 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Log Cabin in the Snow

Nestled deep within the untamed wilderness of remote Alaska, a humble log cabin stands resolute against the elements, its weathered timber walls and snow-capped roof a testament to the resilience of both the structure and the rugged landscape that surrounds it. This remote outpost, far removed from the bustle of modern civilization, offers a glimpse into a simpler, more self-sufficient way of life, where the roar of snowmobiles and the faint hum of generators have been replaced by the tranquil silence of nature in its purest form. It is a place of solitude and reflection, a refuge for the weary soul seeking respite from the complexities of the outside world, surrounded by the pristine, untouched beauty that defines the essence of wild, untamed Alaska.

117327 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Pathway through Alaskan Mountains

The serene, snow-covered path winds its way through the towering, snow-capped glaciers of Alaska, a true winter wonderland. As you step onto the trail, the crunch of fresh powder beneath your boots signals your entry into a pristine, icy realm, where the world seems hushed and tranquil. Tall, majestic peaks rise up on either side, their jagged edges glistening in the pale sunlight that filters through the cloudy skies above. The path itself is a pristine ribbon of white.

117330 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Helicopter on Glacier

A sleek, powerful helicopter stands poised atop the glistening, frozen expanse of an ancient glacier. The helicopter's presence serves as a stark contrast to the timeless, untamed beauty of the glacier, a reminder of man's technological prowess and our ability to venture into even the most remote, inhospitable corners of the natural world.

117340 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Red Fox at Night

As the sun rises over the snow-capped peaks, the red fox can often be spotted trotting across the tundra, its keen senses alert for any potential prey. Its distinctive pointed ears, which can rotate independently to pinpoint the faintest of sounds, give the red fox a distinct advantage in detecting and tracking down its next meal. Even when food is scarce, these resilient creatures are able to subsist on a diverse diet, including berries, roots, and other plant matter.

117357 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Telegraph poles in winter landscape

Cutting a stark silhouette against the bleak, wintry landscape, a line of telegraph poles stands steadfast and resolute, their wooden frames jutting up from the snow-blanketed ground. The poles, their surfaces weathered and worn by the relentless elements, march steadily across the open expanse, their crossbeams adorned with a web of wires that hum and sing with the current of unseen messages being transmitted.

117370 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 26th Jul 2024

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Citrus Dragon Fruit Sipper

A squeeze of lime and tangerine. Fresh tasty dragon fruit. A splash of grenadine and topped up with soda water. There you have it. A nice refreshing sipper for hot summer days.

116356 Size 4.
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Sale began 10th Jul 2024
Sale ends 9th Aug

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The Elvis

A simple smoothie blended from chocolate, peanut butter and banana. This is a treat fit for a king!

116369 Size 4.
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Sale began 10th Jul 2024
Sale ends 9th Aug

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Retro Popsicle Cooler

No pet can resist their favourite popsicle of childhood now in drink form. Sit back and relax at the beach with no worries about sticky paws, flippers or wings.

116374 Size 4.
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Sale began 10th Jul 2024
Sale ends 9th Aug

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Night Falls Over The Purple Paper Mountains

Paper clouds float over the enchanting paper mountains and trees in the darkening purple sky. Do paper tigers or bears roam these paper lands?

117232 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Jul 2024
Sale ends 9th Aug

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Hoovering

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117150 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Hoovering

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117150 Size 10.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Hoovering

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117150 Size 7.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Hoovering

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117150 Size 4.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Flying

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117151 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Flying

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117151 Size 10.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Flying

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117151 Size 7.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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Purple Fireworks Butterfly, Flying

Flitting from flower to flower in the soft summer morning sun is a delightful way to start the day. With my energy restored, I like to zoom around in the sun and then rest in the shade on a branch. Finding a small drop of water or a small area of wet mud is always something I am on the lookout for.

I see you admiring the design on my wings. When I get a glimpse of myself in a window, the pattern reminds me of those pretty lights that humans like to set off in the sky to celebrate.

117151 Size 4.
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Sale began 1st Jul 2024
Sale ends 31st Jul

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 4223 finds.
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