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The Antique Shop
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 27 finds.
Barren Winter Hills

Hills and mountains layered over a background add depth. These wintery feeling hills are just waiting for you to add whatever you like. Maybe you want a whole forest where pets can play hide and seek. Perhaps you prefer to cover the hills with snow and create a place to make snow people or snowpets. Maybe there is one lone tree bare of leaves or an ocean below the hills. Ah! My pets are clamouring for me to make them a place where they can go sledding.

112896 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Jan 2022
to 9th Feb 2022.
Limited edition
buy for 99

Gold sales
4 GM on 29 Jan 2024 05:4310 GM on 12 Jan 2024 01:1998 GM on 12 Oct 2023 22:11

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Silver sales
7500 SM on 13 Feb 2022 19:38

Toll Bridge, Troll Bridge

You and your pets can decide what this bridge is used for. It is certainly a very handsome bridge and would be a wonderful addition to any art.

112585 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Dec 2021
Sale ended 9th Jan 2022
Limited edition
buy for 50

Gold sales
31 GM on 21 Feb 2024 22:18150 GM on 3 Jan 2024 15:43150 GM on 9 Aug 2022 12:06

buy for 14000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Soft Azure Sloped Waterfall

Tall and intimidating, this waterfall flows a gorgeous azure over its rounded rocks, falling into the shallow basin below.

111762 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Jul 2021
to 9th Aug 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 650

Gold sales
200 GM on 28 Dec 2023 20:27400 GM on 7 Aug 2023 22:52650 GM on 6 Feb 2022 13:36

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Soft Azure Stepped Waterfall

Cascading not-so-slowly down a set of stone stairs, this waterfall is small yet powerful.

111764 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Jul 2021
to 9th Aug 2021.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
450 GM on 30 Jul 2022 14:46390 GM on 29 Jan 2022 18:21450 GM on 24 Oct 2021 01:25

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Here's how to get one.

Italy City Skyline (standard)

This standard view of a popular Italian city is a great backdrop for your next photoshoot. No pet will ever believe you were never really there.

111765 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Jul 2021
to 9th Aug 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 150

Gold sales
150 GM on 3 Oct 2023 20:161 GM on 4 Sep 2023 21:071 GM on 4 Sep 2023 21:07

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Italy City Skyline (panoramic)

A classic panoramic-style view of a famous city in Italy. Which one, we can't tell you. Seriously. Our notes are smudged.

111766 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Jul 2021
to 9th Aug 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 99

Gold sales
10 GM on 4 Jan 2024 00:3120 GM on 14 Oct 2023 21:3740 GM on 8 Nov 2022 09:48

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Silver sales
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Fairy Tudor of Yore

Some fairies prefer the simpler life. Well, the unassuming appearance of a simpler life. Hidden within these bland walls awaits an ancient magic, how to control it is hidden in the myths and legends shared around campfires.

111215 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th May 2021
to 9th Jun 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 400

Gold sales
399 GM on 3 Nov 2023 03:36398 GM on 1 Nov 2023 01:1850 GM on 14 Oct 2023 22:52

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Silver sales
40000 SM on 27 May 2021 15:24

Beauty Magazine Overlay

Browse the latest styles and get inspiration for your new look in this popular beauty magazine. With this overlay your pet can be the next big model.

110832 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Jan 2021
Sale ended 9th Feb 2021
Limited edition
buy for 75

Gold sales
75 GM on 13 Jul 2021 21:1610 GM on 11 Feb 2021 08:2610 GM on 10 Feb 2021 01:03

buy for 5500

Silver sales
2500 SM on 18 Jun 2024 05:511000 SM on 1 Aug 2021 22:03

Brick Road (distant)

Dark gray bricks make a durable road for light traffic (no motor vehicles allowed). If we allowed vehicles we'd have to charge a toll to earn revenue for maintenance.

110449 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Nov 2020
to 9th Dec 2020.
Limited edition
buy for 300

Gold sales
31 GM on 15 Oct 2023 12:4031 GM on 14 Oct 2023 22:2850 GM on 9 Sep 2023 22:07

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Brick Road (close-up)

Dark gray bricks make a durable road for light traffic (no motor vehicles allowed). If we allowed vehicles we'd have to charge a toll to earn revenue for maintenance.

110450 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Nov 2020
to 9th Dec 2020.
Limited edition
buy for 349

Gold sales
48 GM on 19 Mar 2024 02:5148 GM on 19 Mar 2024 02:5150 GM on 10 Feb 2024 06:51

buy for 10000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Flagstone Patio

Smooth irregular-shaped gray stones make geometric patterns in this lovely flagstone patio.

110452 FULL SIZE.
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A hunt prize
from 12th Nov 2020
to 9th Dec 2020.
Limited edition
buy for 350

Gold sales
50 GM on 16 Jan 2024 21:3133 GM on 31 May 2023 20:02100 GM on 27 Aug 2022 09:41

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Silver sales
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Basement of the Mystical Lunar Cottage

Under the Lunar Cottage waits a damp room filled with surreal plants and herbs. The wise traveller will know to venture below to reach daylight untouched by the wild magic of the Cottage above.

110108 FULL SIZE.
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Shown on:
A hunt prize
from 15th Oct 2020
to 9th Nov 2020.
Limited edition
buy for 250

Gold sales
30 GM on 10 Sep 2023 15:0230 GM on 10 Sep 2023 09:2130 GM on 10 Sep 2023 09:21

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Silver sales
90 SM on 8 Nov 2020 22:55

PnF Veterinary Hospital Theatre

Freshly constructed and sparkling clean, the PnF Veterinary Hospital will ready for its fur patients, once you have furnished it with your own pet’s favourite bed and some simple surgical supplies from the Mall!

109999 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Sep 2020
Sale ended 9th Oct 2020
Limited edition
buy for 150

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 May 2021 21:12

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Silver sales
149 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:201000 SM on 28 Dec 2020 23:06

Petective Covered Desk Overlay

Are you a sloppy petective? Then this desk is for you! Papers strewn about. Magnifying glass misplaced. All that is missing is a tipped over mug of cold coffee.

107936 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Apr 2019
Sale ended 9th May 2019
Limited edition
buy for 250

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:531 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:531 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:53

No offers for

Silver sales
5000 SM on 16 Jan 2022 03:4020000 SM on 10 Apr 2021 14:38

Petective Clean Desk Overlay

For the clean petective we bring to you the clear and clean desk. Notice the lack of strewn papers. Magnifying glass put in its place. Not even a ring of coffee. How can things be so neat?

107937 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Apr 2019
Sale ended 9th May 2019
Limited edition
buy for 75

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Petective Desk Drawer Overlay

Ripe for the stuffing what will your pet discover in its drawers? Papers? A magnifying glass? A map? A new clue as to where to find the most FnCs?

107938 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Apr 2019
Sale ended 9th May 2019
Limited edition
buy for 100

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:531 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:531 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:53

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Gallery Wall Posters

Put your most vibrant artwork on display for all to see. Lit from overhead, every piece of art will have its time to shine against this neutral backdrop. Perfecting how less is always more.

107635 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Mar 2019
Sale ended 9th Apr 2019
Limited edition
buy for 150

Gold sales
78 GM on 15 Nov 2023 06:1350 GM on 25 Apr 2023 16:2975 GM on 17 Mar 2022 08:01

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Silver sales
2000 SM on 3 Mar 2021 19:03

Designer Portico Overlay

Whether it’s a cottage or a palace you are creating, you can add an individual touch when you embellish it with this Designer Portico Overlay for the porch and front door! As an overlay, it enables visitor pets and Christmas carolers to slip in behind it out of the weather when they come to your front door. Marine pets also enjoy swimming back and forth between these stately columns, and they certainly do ensure that unsightly plankton never taints its grandeur!

106194 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 14th Dec 2017
Sale ended 9th Jan 2018
Limited edition
buy for 75

Gold sales
20 GM on 25 Apr 2023 16:297 GM on 10 May 2021 21:337 GM on 10 May 2021 21:33

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Scrapbook Page (Antique)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then why do I find it hard to remember all the ones that describe how I feel when I look at them? Fill my pages with the photos of life and when you are tired of trying to recall it all the memory details, just look at me and I will keep them all safe for you.

105436 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 12th Mar 2017
Sale ended 9th Apr 2017
Limited edition
buy for 7

Gold sales
7 GM on 29 Jul 2021 23:207 GM on 29 Jul 2021 23:197 GM on 29 Jul 2021 23:19

No offers for

Silver sales
25 SM on 5 Nov 2017 02:01

Dungeon Cell Overlay (Inside)

No castle is complete without a place to incarcerate the naughty inhabitants of the kingdom. What misdeed does a pet do to deserve confinement? How long is the sentence? You decide their fate. The view through these iron bars is very dark and dreary, and the cell is damp and chilly, so I do hope they get out soon.

105403 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 15th Feb 2017
Sale ended 9th Mar 2017
Limited edition
buy for 150

Gold sales
10 GM on 2 Sep 2023 01:0110 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:3810 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:38

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Dungeon Cells Overlay (Outside)

No castle is complete without a place to incarcerate the naughty inhabitants of the kingdom. What misdeed does a pet do to deserve confinement? How long is the sentence? You decide their fate. There are many more cells just like these with the capability to handle any number of wrong-doers.

105404 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 15th Feb 2017
Sale ended 9th Mar 2017
Limited edition
buy for 250

Gold sales
24 GM on 16 Apr 2024 11:4710 GM on 2 Sep 2023 22:4410 GM on 2 Sep 2023 01:03

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Greystone Castle Wall Fruit Machine (start)

These beautifully constructed arched windows are made from the finest limestone from a nearby quarry. The gardener has done a fine job with the lovely landscaping around the castle walls.

105416 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Feb 2017
Sale ended 9th Mar 2017
Limited edition
buy for 149

Gold sales
125 GM on 9 Mar 2023 14:5350 GM on 23 Feb 2023 00:214 GM on 10 May 2021 21:32

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Greystone Castle Wall Fruit Machine (finish)

These beautifully constructed arched windows are made from the finest limestone from a nearby quarry. The gardener has done a fine job with the lovely landscaping around the castle walls, and the flowers attract many different insects

105417 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Feb 2017
Sale ended 9th Mar 2017
Limited edition
buy for 195

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 May 2021 21:32

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Silver sales
200 SM on 24 Jan 2024 20:52

Winter Room Fruit Machine (Pets Napping)

The pets have come inside after having fun playing outdoors in the snow and have just finished drinking a cup of hot cocoa to get warm again. It's a perfect time for a little afternoon nap!

105279 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Dec 2016
Sale ended 9th Jan 2017
Limited edition
buy for 80

Gold sales
12 GM on 25 Jan 2024 01:4075 GM on 18 Nov 2020 03:1312 GM on 4 Jan 2019 00:50

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Winter Room Fruit Machine (Pets Awake)

Yawn! I was having sweet dreams in my afternoon nap when someone decided to open the windows to let in a little fresh air. Brrr... I feel chilly now! Can you please close them?

105280 FULL SIZE.
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Sale began 10th Dec 2016
Sale ended 9th Jan 2017
Limited edition
buy for 70

Gold sales
75 GM on 25 Jun 2020 01:4650 GM on 9 Aug 2019 14:4819 GM on 8 Dec 2018 08:00

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Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Curtain of Rain

What could be sweeter than gently falling rain on a calm day? Admittedly I may be biased here, of course!

100557 FULL SIZE.
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Shown on:
Retired from the
Weather Game
First seen 24th May 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 8 Mar 2024 03:121 GM on 8 Mar 2024 03:121 GM on 6 Mar 2024 01:10

buy for 500

Silver sales
100 SM on 8 Mar 2024 03:121 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:201 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:20

Storm Clouds Overlay

The sky is darkening as grey nimbus clouds form overhead. You rush to bring in the clothes that are drying on the line before the first drops begin to fall. Thirsty plants prepare for happy hour where the drinks are free and completely refreshing. The timpani of heaven thunder as the storm clouds release their cargo of rain on the parched earth. Lightning flashes illuminate the sky in a glorious display. The soothing rhythm of raindrops on the rooftop relaxes every muscle in your body. What a perfect opportunity for a nap!

104227 FULL SIZE.
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Shown on:
Retired from the
Weather Game
First seen 24th May 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 11 Aug 2022 12:071 GM on 11 Aug 2022 12:071 GM on 11 Aug 2022 12:07

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 11 Sep 2024 09:361 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:241 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:24

 27 finds.
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