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Quinn the Macaw (male)
Birthday: 2019-08-23 Adopted: 2019-08-23.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Cacophony)

Best: 73.26 decibels

Mmm, nuts! My favorites! I spend time flying around dropping them on the forest floor, ensuring sustainable planting. Conserving our planet is one of my favorite activities and teaching others the same. Being long lived, my granny is 80 and to hear her tell stories of how the world has changed during her time, she’d have you believe she used to fly upside down and backwards to flight school every day both ways! But she is serious about how much the world has changed! I do wish my trees gave off WiFi instead of oxygen though, I can’t get much of a signal out here on my Petphone. Granny says I should get a landline like hers, but birds got to fly, and I’m out of here! Onto my next lecture on tree planting, one nut drop at a time!

Quinn's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 4839
Best: 6169
Level 242497

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Quinn lives here!

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