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& Blue Boy


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Blue Boy the Blue tang (male)
Birthday: 2019-11-07 Adopted: 2019-11-07.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Snoozing)

Best: 0.00 miles

Blue Tang? Don't you mean Royal Blue tang? After all, we ARE the only members of the genus Paracanthurus. Our noble line is found all over the world, though never in very large numbers. (We're very exclusive)
We love to nibble the algae on coral reefs, or you may see us in a large, beautiful aquarium, where we graciously allow ourselves to be admired (royalty must always deal with public appearances with dignity, so please don't tap on the glass, we are NOT amused!)

Blue Boy's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 5250
Best: 6730
Level 242758

Blue Boy's other achievements

This pet wandered through Winter on January 18th 2021!

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This pet completed a world tour onApril 28th 2020!

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Blue Boy lives here!

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